Elective C section after 3rd degree tear


Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2014
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Hi , im hoping for some advice and experiences on those who had an elective C sec after prev natural birth with 3rd degree tear.

My trust has offered this to me but i am really 50 50 at the moment.

If anyone can speak from experience please get in touch xxxxxx
I’ve just had an elective section after a forceps / episiotomy/ failed ventouse previous delivery. Baby was 9lb 4oz and also a shoulder dystocia.

I had to make a decision on c sec or natural. Chose c sec was so relaxed and complete opposite to the trauma of the first birth. Recovery however was painful but I did have to have a ovarian cyst removed at the same time so possibly more painful for recovery due to that aswell.

i had a birth debrief with a specialised midwife which helped me make my decision on delivery. Maybe see if you could have that too?
I had a severe tear with my first, tore from next to my bladder all the way down, I had a haemorrhage and passed out needed blood transfusions. I can't remember anything what they said happened or degree etc. But i got pregnant with my son ans he decided he wanted to come 5 weeks early was rushed in but already 10cm and my waters burst and I had to push.. Didn't even get a tear he was 6lbs 8oz.
Do what's best for you.
I had a severe tear with my first, tore from next to my bladder all the way down, I had a haemorrhage and passed out needed blood transfusions. I can't remember anything what they said happened or degree etc. But i got pregnant with my son ans he decided he wanted to come 5 weeks early was rushed in but already 10cm and my waters burst and I had to push.. Didn't even get a tear he was 6lbs 8oz.
Do what's best for you.

Ahh wow thats crazyyyyy ... so difficult to decide whats best xx
Why are you not keen on a section? If I'm offered one next time I'll be all over it. My stupid episiotomy scar still hurts and my bub will be 1 next month. The exhaustion of labour made it sooo much harder to heal and care for a baby than it needed to be.
Why are you not keen on a section? If I'm offered one next time I'll be all over it. My stupid episiotomy scar still hurts and my bub will be 1 next month. The exhaustion of labour made it sooo much harder to heal and care for a baby than it needed to be.

Yes it took me a good year to get back yo normal! Im swaying towards C sec now xxxx
I would definitely choose a section if offered, I’m not sure if I’d qualify though. I had tachichardia during birth and baby was in distress, ended up having episiotomy and forceps, my cut didn’t heal properly and I couldn’t sit/kneel/walk properly for weeks. I still have pain from my episiotomy when we dtd and sometimes afterwards there’s some blood, it’s almost as if it rips it open slightly. I’ll need to bring up to my midwife but think I’ll be brushed off x

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