c section after 3rd degree tear

lisa b 01

Aug 16, 2010
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hi just wondering if anyone has suffered a 3rd degree tear then had a elective c section with there second baby? i had a 3rd degree with my little boy he was 8'13 and im now pregnant again i went for my first mw appointment last week and the mw just said id have to give birth vaginally, the thing is im very scared and the thought of it terrifies me, do you think i could opt for a elective c section? im under consultant care and will meet with him at 20 week scan any info would be appreciated thanks:)
I had a 3rd degree tear with my 1st - if that's the one where 2 holes become 1 so to speak, but with my 2nd and 3rd not a scratch...and my 2nd was a pound heavier than my 1st.

I really don't know how it all works, but I just wanted you to know if you do have to birth naturally, it needn't be as bad as you think x
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its honestly not as bad 2nd time!! i had 3rd degree tears with both mine, but the second one wasnt as bad, it was only just 3rd degree! the chances of tearing twice ar actually slimmer, cos you've already stretched a bit iykwim?! your consultant will talk you thru it all tho! i'd far rather have another 3rd degree tear than an elective section, so many people have told me its agony after a section, but i never felt too much pain from tearing!!
its honestly not as bad 2nd time!! i had 3rd degree tears with both mine, but the second one wasnt as bad, it was only just 3rd degree! the chances of tearing twice ar actually slimmer, cos you've already stretched a bit iykwim?! your consultant will talk you thru it all tho! i'd far rather have another 3rd degree tear than an elective section, so many people have told me its agony after a section, but i never felt too much pain from tearing!!
thanks you, do you not worry about the long term affects of tearing so badly twice though? incontinence ect
i'll be honest, i had a few "issues" for a while, but i dont think it had anything to do with tearing, it was more down to having two babies in 12 months :lol: but everythings better now, after a lot of pelvic floor exercises, only thing is i wee if i go on a trampoline too long :rofl:

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