
I hate kat too, she had too many chances and blew them all!!
Omg as if he found out tonight and I missed it!!!!! I'm such a moron! Will have to watch it at ten. Was it sad?
I still think its Derek, max is up to something but I don't think it's to do with kat it would be too obvious. I genuinely feel sick thinking its Derek! He's so slimy

Love, Jugs x
I would marry Alfie moon anytime ;)

I think it's Ian Beale :rofl:
I think I just sicked in my mouth :|

Love, Jugs x
Does this mean we will find out who it is tonight?? as Kat told alfie last night there is someone else!!!!! EEEkkkk lol. I hate derek and i have been a little sick in my mouth a few times too...lol! He brings a new meaning to the saying 'bulldog chewing a wasp' lol!!

I dont really know who it is anymore as they have done loads to make us think everyone! Bloody hate michael too...he is a slimeball! xxx
I really thought we was gonna find out tonight! How sad was it though? Poor Alfie!
So we know it's between the three branning brothers, I don't think it's max as another max cheating storyline would just be too much! I don't think it's jack because they're hinting at a relationship with Sharon (I've read she gets pregnant!!) so that leaves Derek. I still think its him and it all started as him wanting revenge on Alfie for screwing him over with the knocked off alcohol.
I need to get out more!!

Love, Jugs x
Lol Stace you have put far too much thought into that hahah

I just thought it was Jack coz he is the prettiest.. although I do have a little soft spot for Max!! :$:$$:$
I can't believe janine could leave her baby, it hurt, I cried :-(
I can't believe janine could leave her baby, it hurt, I cried :-(

and me :( how could she!

It has to be Derek I think.. x

Using tapatalk so excuse the typos! & I can't see tickers
I was upset at Janine leaving the baby too :(

Maybe she's having a 4-way with all the branning brothers ;)
Jayne!!! Stop with the Derek-sex thoughts you make me heave! Though I would totally be up for a three way with max and jack! Max *drool*
I really do need to get out more, eastenders has become my life lol
Was sad when janine left the bubba though :cry:

Love, Jugs x

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