
I've just watched Friday's episode on catch up tv - the one where they take Lola's baby away from her. I don't normally cry at tv programmes but I was sobbing at the end. It's a horrible storyline and I think they've handled the whole thing terribly. People's opinions of child care social workers are often seen as negative and the portrayal of the Lexi case is only going to enforce these opinions :-( It also promotes ignorant people's beliefs that young single mums are unfit to bring up a baby. This is absolute rubbish. Ok so Lola has had a difficult time but she obviously loves her baby very much and has been trying to give her the best start in life. Irrelevant of what age a new mum is, it will always be a challenging and difficult time caring for a baby (and of course very rewarding :-))
I've been so moved and distressed by this story that I've written a complaint to the BBC!!! Grrrrrrr. Sorry, rant over!!
Omg I just watched it on iplayer. Floods of tears!!!! Poor lexi and Lola :( she's a good mum.
I was very impressed by the actress that plays Lola, found her very convincing. I agree, that episode was upsetting & only fuels peoples negative thoughts on SS & young mums x
This story line annoys me soooo much................. there is no way based on the evidence that the LA would have reached threshold to instigate interim care proceedings! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh an Lola is a wonderful little actress! x
Ths is the response I got from the BBC about my complaint!!

Thanks for contacting us regarding ‘EastEnders’ on BBC One.

We understand you’re unhappy with the current storyline concerning Lexi and Lola as you feel it portrays social workers inaccurately.

We consulted with the programme’s production team in writing our response and we’d like to assure you our intention is not to portray social workers in a negative light. Whilst the audience has seen how much Lola loves Lexi and how responsible she can be with her baby, we were careful to ensure that when the social worker was visiting, she generally saw only more worrying behaviour. Lola was often abrasive when speaking to the social worker and casual – sometimes even flippant in her responses to the social worker’s suggestions. Given that Lola is a young mother, who has been, until this episode, wearing an electronic tag (for criminal damage to the car lot), with a history of getting into trouble with the police, and is known to have had a difficult childhood herself (indeed, three generations of the family have been through the care system), it was clearly important for social services to be involved with the family in order to ensure that Lola could cope with having a baby.

In the last few weeks the social worker witnessed a series of unfortunate incidents, including Lexi wearing a tea-towel as a make-shift nappy, reports of Lola not taking Lexi to the mother & baby group, a messy and unclean flat, and the discovery that Billy had lied to her about having a job. Under the circumstances, we believe the audience will have understood why she had to act to remove Lexi quickly when the allegation of assault is made against Lola by Alexa. There was no suggestion that the social worker’s actions were anything other than a genuine desire to protect Lexi, or that her concerns about Lola were unreasonable, given the picture she and the previous social worker had formed over a substantial period of time. There was certainly no inference that her actions were anything personal against Lola or her family.
Tbh I agree with the first part, we are meant to see how she love lexi and we are meant to get annoyed that the Sw only sees the not so good stuff. I have never dealt with a Sw, but feel the character on tv is a bit harsh and seems to over react to the assault charges. (Seemed pretty quick and dramatic way to remove the baby) .
The show is gripping, and does upset me sometimes, as does it make me laugh, think or get angry but to me that is caused by great acting and writing which makes a great programme. Even though the show creates these emotions in me I realise it is just a show.
Been catching up on this this week as oh is working lates (he hates it!) Poor poor Lola, my heart goes out to her. I have no idea who Lexie's dad is though?
How vile is Alice's dad! Yuck
I really hope sheds not about to have an affair :oooo:
Ever get the feeling that Syed isn't capable of being monogamous no matter what gender he's attempting to marry?
The whole him being in debt storyline is boooring me! I've heard him and Christian come out of it soon anyway. Although I like Christian though I wish he wasn't going :(
Katkin - thanks for sharing the response you got from the bbc. I also hated this storyline and was in tears...finding myself getting angry with the situations the sw saw as she always seemed to see the 'bad' bits if u like. Hope the storyline has a happy ending!
The Kat affair storyline is boring now...if it is Derek then....'ewwwww wtf was Kat thinking???' I hate that man so much... lol xxx
At the end of the day it's a soap, expecting a bit of intelligence from the viewers knowing it isn't quite like that in real life.

I knew lexi wouldn't have been taken from her quite like that, and it bloody annoyed me and I was absolutely bawling my eyes out...but that's good acting and story line. It is to evoke a reaction and it worked. How many stupid story lines do they do that are totally unrealistic? The soap stereotypes, bring up dodgy story lines and portray police in the most awful light too, but you don't watch it for factual entertainment...it's boring.

I agree that it portrays SS badly but I would have been utterly bored of the story line if they had simply done everything by the book!
Have they still not revealed who Kat was having it off with??? or did I miss it?? X
We're still waiting, i think it kicks off at Xmas with who her lover is :nap:
Lol Tracy I thought I mustve missed the reveal episode too!! Eastenders know how to drag things on dont they!!!
Oh my god!! Really?? Bored now Zzzzzzzzzz.....

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