Early pregnancy and flying!?

positivity :)

Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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good morning ladies, hope you are all well and the snow isn't causing you too much hassle?
it''s really snowing here in London today which is great for a change but i have nothing in the house so i'm working myself up to venturing a walk to tesco :cold:

well af has been slowly arriving for the past few days, just spotting but she's here :witch: so onto cycle 8 now and i have worked out i will ovulate around early january.

my xmas present this year is a trip to new york, flight leaves on january 13th :pompom:

i've had a miscarriage before and i'm worried that flying might cause me problems? i'll be on cd27 (cycle normally 30-32 days) when i go so if i was preggers i might know by then..does anyone know if it puts the baby at risk at all?? also, if so, what would you do, wait until feb to ttc?? xxxx
Personally, i wouldn't worry about flying.

New York is fab, they do get some crazy snow though so take care :hug:
thanks louise, i was half expecting you to come up with some scientific reason for not flying and implantation or something lol!

i've never been to nyc before, really looking forward to it! i'm going with my friend who is 4.5 months preggers so lots of taxis for us!! xx
I wouldnt worry about flying hunny, they advise not to later on in pregnancy but early stages im sure you will be fine :) x x
you'll be fine early on petal..you'll love it!! xxx
I went to spain a week after i got my BFP last time, asked the GP before i went and she said it was fine.

Just thought id maybe be able to help i flew short haul though at 5 weeks and everything is fine . Ull be fine hunni xox
You will be fine! Keep up the ttc and enjoy ny its FAB
My auntie used to live in boston and used to fly to different states all the time when she was pregnant and she got 2 healthy kids bopping around the the house Have fun and just to warn you its EXTRA cold there take thermals and get those isulating gloves and those hats that come around ur ears, at least then u can enjoy it and not hop from one shop to another xx

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