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Is there really any point .........


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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.........in me testing tomorrow as my ticker says to do?

I just dont understand this whole cycle thing this month after MC its all over the place!

So if Im right to class first day of heavy bleeding with MC (7th April) as first day of period, (CD1) then Im then im only on CD27 tomorrow....

Jan to Feb cycle was 26
Feb to March cycle was 24
March to MC (7th April) was 32....so whats my chances of AF arriving within my usual 24-28ish days?

I dont want to get my hopes up but if I assumed I was just going to get AF as usual I would now be either 2 days late or due today right??

God this is confusing.....
To be honest Im so scared to test coz it will either more than likely be a BFN or too early to test and I will still be dissapointed but as we all do I want to know!!!

Sorry for rammbling on ladies I just want to test tomorrow but think is there any point this early??

What do yous think?
Hey hon, might be worth a test if u think u might be pregnant. I was about 3 days later on a 28 day cycle after mc and I'm usually ok to the day so think the mc can have an effect. How do doing anyway? xxx
I would test anyway tbh x unless it'd be too hard to see a bfn (if it is) then I'd wait until later on in the week x fingers crossed for you x
Well Im not sure Karen....Ive thankfully no signs of AF YET but I havent had any IB either so not sure if Im out or not...is it possible for AF to be 'normal' after a MC and to start at the time it would normally have?

I think I was 7 days late when I got my BFP so I think I would have had AF last week if everything was normal....

Argggghhhh Im having a moment lol!

I dont want to get my hopes up Karen but at the same time Im thinking can I really count last months bleed on 7th April as first day of cycle coz that woukld have made me have a 32 day cycle which I wouldnt have had if I werent pregnant...does that make sense?
Id had a 26 in jan to feb
24 day cycles feb to march and 32 from march to MC so not sure I would have been due if didnt have MC...

I just dont want to build my hopes up but obviously want to know asap too.....think my second ticker is closer to the truth??? xxx
Thanks Helen....Im sure I will cave in and test tomorrow but Im trying to work out when I would have been due if I hadnt got pregnant last time....Im prob totally off the mark here lol xxx
On the second ticker Ive taken into account that I was a week late with last AF in April hence being pregnant and thats the dates its given me....so I hope MC wont make that much difference to my cycle and maybe Im late....wishfull thinking I know....xxx
Really hope that the mc hasn't mucked your system about too much and that you can test soon and get a bfp. I would probably try to leave it a while to test just in case your cycle is a bit off but that would be my personal preference, really its only you that knows when you want to test and how you feel. Fingers and toes crossed for you :)
not sure wilma. if you will be really gutted to see a bfn then wait, but if it was me I would test tomorrow just to get it out of my system! :hug:
I had no IB so I wouldn't worry about that hun :hug:

Best of luck hun :dust:
Thansk Frankie, PP and Mamfy.....

Ive no doubt I will not have the will power to not test tomorrow just wonder if it would be showing at 13 dpo if my cycle started on first day of MC and today meaning im on CD27....only one way to find out I suppose....

I just thought I would of had to wait till at least 4 days before AF was due (according to ticker details after MC...thats not till about the 10th....) however when I put 'normal' details in another ticker earlier today as if I didnt have MC etc then it says I am 1 day into my cycle already.....in which case if no AF today Im late...i just dont know whats right and whats not!! lol

I dont think I will be gutted PP just frustrated more than anything at just not knowing whats going on in my cycle and not knowing if Im even testing at the right time.....

Thats reassuing mamfy....nothing at all?? Well fingers crossed then ehh.....so am I right in thinking even though there was 32 days between my af in march and when heavy MC bleeding started on 7th April that my 14 days from then is still the same with regards to conception/implantation etc it would still all happen withing the last 14 days??? Think thats whats thrown me a bit wondering if even though the predicted time for AF is now another 7 days that everything else just takes place as normal if I was to have been lucky enough to get pregnant!! Sorry Im sounding thick now!! lol

Anyway were off to whitby in the morning but I will almost certainly POAS before we leave and will try and update although tbh at CD27 Im expecting it to be a BFN so if I set myself up for that now I may not be too dissapointed tomorrow (today) when I test!

Thanks again ladies..everything crossed xxx
I WIlma, I would think the cycle with the MC wouldn't count for counting cycle days, as thats pregnancy onwards.

I counted from the Day of D&C and then AF arrived 26 days later, when I'm pretty sure I'm a 28 day cycle normally. You might have had to wait a few days for HCG to go from your system as natural MC and then cycle started again, so might want to wait a few more days - hard to do tho.

Wishing you all the luck in the world when you do tho X JJ
Hi, someone on this site recommended this site for me when i couldn't work it out either. I hope it will help you. Sadly after a mc you cant ever be sure when your period will come. I hope you get the result you want x

Thanks JJ....Yeah I did wonder if it would be counted or not and as I didnt have D&C I suppose I just have to wait....

Thanks for that link Kirsthar really useful and very informative.... ;-)

Thanks Bonny.....;-)xxx
Yup I did POAS on a HPT and an OPK and as suspected got a BFN on both....not even a hint of an evap lol nothing lol!

But also had very light brown streaking however Im alsmost sure its AF on her wicked travels as I also feel pretty sickly and have bit of a twisty stomach so I suppose I will be on the look out today as think at 13dpo its prob too late for IB....we will wait and see tho and still hoping.....when you testing JJ as knew we were in similar cycles and good luck for when you do? xxx

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