Ear piercing

cassi said:
When I read the title I hesitated before i clicked on it lol...but so far so good....

I wouldnt untill she was older (assuming i have a girl one day) however I dont judge or slate people that choose to do it, its their decision at the end of the day..Its when I see little boys or girls with big hoops in their ears when I raise my eyebrows cause that is ott...imho

i argee about the big hoops, i only put little studs in my daughters ears and i wouldnt get my sons ear periced till he was alot older and wanted it done
I had Jessicas done when she was 2 and that was a big mistake. She wouldn't let me keep them clean so they ended up getting took out in the end so she went through it for nothing. Now she 6 and i keep asking her if she wants them done but shes terrified. I'll be waiting with Aimee till she asks me. i have nothing against mums who get babies ears pierced at all, its just not for me. I do agree with the hoop thing though!
i had minedone at 4 (against my dads will). my aunt took meto get them done.

im not going to get alices done until she is old enough to decide she wants them done.

buti don't see a problem with younger babies having it done.
I think it is interesting to read all your views.

Sorry girls I didnt know there was a problem before about this subject - I dont want any problems

Thanks girls
Eveadel said:
I think it is interesting to read all your views.

Sorry girls I didnt know there was a problem before about this subject - I dont want any problems

Thanks girls

:lol: it was ages ago hun :lol:

it was me every one picked on me and bullied me :cry:

:lol: ooookk im joking :lol:

but yes i got Diors pierced at 10months. she has little pink dimond studs.
i love them never had a problem. never had to change them or touch them nothing. and no one has ever asked about them.

its not for every one but i had mine done at 6weeks so was happy when i was a young girl i didnt have to go get them done
i asked the same question because my oh wanted molly to have hers done but i had mine done at 7 i think it has to be there choice i think.
Thanks Dionne

Does Dior still wear them?? Was she ok when they were done???
(sorry if i offend buuut) I hate seing it on baby girls i really do I saw a little girl the other day 4 months old the same as Alfie and she had gold studs in, her mum had got them in at 2 months old, its almost as if she couldnt wait to start punching holes in her baby girls ears. I get so upset taking Alfie for his jabs and he HAS to have those. its up to each parent but as you did ask what we thought i think personally its awfull, i begged my mum when i was five to let me have mine done and i think if the child asks for it then yes no problem but when they are too young to even know what it is they are having done, its like giving a baby a tatoo :shock: :shock: :shock:
Eveadel said:
Thanks Dionne

Does Dior still wear them?? Was she ok when they were done???

yes she still wears them. and they look BEAUTIFULL!!! not that she aint already :lol:

she cryed when she had them done just like with jabs but then she was fine. i was worried of some of the problems i have heard but she was fine i didnt even need to twist them, just tip the solution on them when she was in the bath. i dont regret getting them done.
are you thinking about getting Isabella's done?
dionne said:
Eveadel said:
Thanks Dionne

Does Dior still wear them?? Was she ok when they were done???

yes she still wears them. and they look BEAUTIFULL!!! not that she aint already :lol:

she cryed when she had them done just like with jabs but then she was fine. i was worried of some of the problems i have heard but she was fine i didnt even need to twist them, just tip the solution on them when she was in the bath. i dont regret getting them done.
are you thinking about getting Isabella's done?

Dionne hope i havent offended you with what it said it was asked how we felt about it personally and thats just what i think but i did also say its each parents choice (i know you havent said anything about what i said but just wanted to say i wasnt aiming it t you hun its a personal preference,) Dior is beautiful
no you have not hun :hug:

but as you can imagin i do bite when people say it looks ugly
but i dont have a leg to stand on in this debate as there is no GOOD reason as to why i got her ears pierced, so i dont take it personal its my own fault.

i never think about them or they never bother me but once it gets brought back up i start getting paranoid about what people are thinking etc
just read the old thread, flaming eck that did get a bit nasty. its apersonal choice at the end of the day not everyone is gonna like what another does.
:lol: how long did it take you.

i was just tping with out thinking :oops:
Thanks Dionne

Yes I am thinking of having Isabella's done. Id rather she have them done at an early age rather than older. I am qualified to pierce ears but Ive never done babies before.
Eveadel said:
What are your views on baby girls having their ears pierced?? Best when they are younger or older????

i think its personla choice really
But personally id wait till they wanted them pierced really as a pose to going out and having them done coz i wanted thenm done.
my daugter who is just 9 has just started askingfor hers to be pierced. Im thinking about it.

Things for me to consider before doing it are the fact she is at school and has PE lessons which are quite boystruos now. She'fd have to take the ear'rings out and id be afraid of infection.
Im thinkninf ill wait now till shes about 12 or 13 so she is more responsible.
Eveadel said:
Thanks Dionne

Yes I am thinking of having Isabella's done. Id rather she have them done at an early age rather than older. I am qualified to pierce ears but Ive never done babies before.

when Dior got hers done. 2 girls done it. both ears at once.
and they also would not do them unless Dior was wide awake they said she needs to of been awake for a couple of hours and not tired ready to sleep. as it can startle them to much.

Dior cryed a few moments later was fine. i was given different backings to change after 6 weeks but i have not changed them, they seem fine
I think this is totally a mother's personal choice, its their baby at the end of the day!

I myself, would not get my babies ears pierced (he is a boy anyhow so not really an issue) simply because I would want my child to make that choice for herself. However, I dont think it looks BAD on babies, providing the earrings are tasteful and dainty.

I dont know anwhere around here that actually pierces babies ears...I am a beauty therapist and qualified piercer and I do not pierce any ears under 10 and none that are under 16 without parents consent. But then thats another story, so many people are out to sue these days so we use that policy in the salon to cover ourselves!
I had mine done when I was six & thats was because I pestered my Mum til she gave in :lol: Personally I wouldn't get them done on a baby, I think its a persons own decision to decide to get extra holes put into their body not someone elses!!
Jaidy said:
I dont know anwhere around here that actually pierces babies ears...I am a beauty therapist and qualified piercer and I do not pierce any ears under 10 and none that are under 16 without parents consent. But then thats another story, so many people are out to sue these days so we use that policy in the salon to cover ourselves!

not many places do do it, but claires ecessories do them from when they have had there jabs (4months)

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