dummy debate

I am a reformed dummy snob. My eldest was never ever ever having a dummy. Six weeks of silent reflux induced hell later and we gave in. It was the best thing ever! My youngest has also had a dummy.

My opinion on issues with dummies being difficult to remove, causing speech delays etc is that it's down to the parents how the dummy is used. From six months old, both my boys only had them for naps and bed time. The dummy doesn't leave the bedroom. My eldest has only just turned three and apparently his speech is at the level of much older children. My one year old is also starting to talk now.
Was giving dummy to LO but never really wanted it. Honestly i was glad, but after he started to suck his fingers was not sure what is better
Was giving dummy to LO but never really wanted it. Honestly i was glad, but after he started to suck his fingers was not sure what is better

my daughter sucked her finger which became such a habit she is likely to need surgery when she is a teenager to reshape her jaw :shock: so when my son also proved to have the need to suck all day long i have gone with the dummy. At least you can get rid of a dummy at a later date and they are orthidontic.
I was of the opinion I wouldn't use dummy's last time too but think it was the second day home from hospital that went out the window and she had one lol. She never liked it during the day but always needed it to settle at night. I didn't mind though she was a brilliant sleeper from the start so having a dummy was worth the 12 hours sleep! I just used to have a few in the crib so I could easily find one if she woke in the night for it and by the time she was in her own room if I left a few in her cot she would find them herself in the night. She still has it for bed now at 2 but never in the day since she turned 1. It's on our list to get rid of it but she has so much going on at the moment I'm leaving it just for now. We've just done the move to a bed,she's showing signs of potty readiness and her brother is due in 10 weeks so don't want to rock the boat too much at once. Will probably use one again with this baby,I don't see the harm if they don't have it in their mouth all day everyday xx
Always said I wouldn't have one then in hospital midwife came and gave my son one as she said he was only suckling for comfort not cause he was hungry in her words "mummy needs a rest too. Content baby = happy mummy"
Sons dummy was given up without any problems later on. Kept him content and let me sleep! I understand your hesitations but being tired and grumpy is worse than a dummy in my opinion.
Congratulations on your newborn btw :) xx
DD had one from day 1 and it was a life saver. But now... 2 and half years later we can't get rid of the damn thing!!! Now expecting no 2 and this one will also have a dummy if she wants/needs it.

Health visitor said to us that dummies can reduce risk of cot death also. Never thought about it before x
Can anyone recommend a particular brand/type of dummy for a breastfed baby? Thanks :)
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I had a dummy for years, think till jusy before starting school. I have bad bottom teeth crooked, but apparantly i used to put the whole of the bottom part in to chew it. So whos knows what cased it (my top teeth are perfect).
I give dd a dummy and will with second one. I did BF and it helped loads cos she wanted to suck for comfort alot (my nipples bleed). She likes to sleep with one and helps when shes teething. I dont like thumb sucking and if i see her do that i just give dummy

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