The great dummy debate

sonia205 said:
you thought to mention about the REDUCED risk of cot death when baby is using one??

I read that too, but then I also read that when they spit them out and get all upset and confused then the cot death rate shoots up again.

It's always typical with any results/research as it always contradicts then you don't know what to do for the best.
i think there should be an extra section called 'i used the dummy to survive the early weeks, but don't need to use any more'

we used a dummy for samuel for the first couple of months, but he went off it about a month ago and we don't use it any more :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

I didnt want to use a dummy but after 6 weeks of never being able to settle him I gave up and gave him one, I only use it when all else fails, it has worked wonders.

when i do give in and give it to him he only has it for about 30 mins or so then spits it out and is settled.

I think he just needs that little extra suckle to settle himself I was previously giving him a feed until I realised he just needed a comfort suckle

I gave Kaiden one at 5days after he was latched to the boobs 24/7, when the HV came round she said he was comfort suckin and not taking milk, my nipples were cracked and i was at my whits end and gave him one, he only takes one when he goes for a nap, and now hes teething hel take it when he goes to bed, i prefer him not to though as it falls out during the night and me and my OH nudge each other to see whos gonna get up and put it back in, how many hours sleep lost on putting the dummy in i dont know, but im hopeing to get him off it between 6-8months XKelX
sarahe I am finding that Jacob is wanting to be on the breast all the time, often just for a comfort suck and then he falls asleep again and it's making my nipples really sore too. I have been told by the HV not to give him a dummy cos of nipple confusion, they say that he may not go back to the nipple after sucking a dummy. I have been told that Nuby do a dummy in the shape of a nipple but am worried that he won't ciome back to my boobie if I get him one - any advice anyone? Jacob isn't going to sleep himself either he has to have a suck and fall asleep on me, for me to then transport him to his moses basket (I know this is wrong) perhaps a dummy would settle him more in his basket?

i think the nuby ones have raised bits round the side that make it a bit like the aerola (spl). I have mam dummies and they were the same but I was bottle feeding. I tried the nuby ones but they seemed a bit tricky for her to keep in whereas the mam ones were shaped round the mouth,
I did give Nathan a dummy at first because mates with babies have told me it's great for getting them to sleep but Nathan wasnt interested in it and kept spitting it out so he dosent have one now.

Rachel xx
I am only replying as a children's nurse, not a Mum so I don't have the full knowledge you ladies do on the subject! I think that dummies have their place now and again, to settle etc or for comfort. It's just when I see kids at work with them in 24/7 up to the age of 5 or 6 that really bugs me!!!! Sooooo mad! The parents think its fine that their little darling can't speak properly and communicate with others cause they've constantly got the dummy in!!
Sorry to rant.......
:D :D :D
Hi Linsdey,

Bailey is being bottle feed so he hasnt done any damage to my nipples just he was being sick after taking to much milk through comfort suckling, He now sleeps on his tummy and now sucks his hand when he wants comfort so when I give him the dummy now he spits it out.


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