

Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2006
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We haven't given Isaac a dummy, originally we didn't because we didn;t want it to interfere with breastfeeding, but now he has breast and bottle and so he's adapted well to teats and nipple.

Anyways, sometimes I feel he's using the breast for comfort, not feeding, and it's just sort of bothering me at the minute, as to if I should deny him a dummy? It would be easier for me if he had a dummy as he could use that rather than my nipple to sooth him, but I don't mind, but am I beaing unfair to him, not giving him a dummy?

I'm not really for or against dummy's its just not something I've thought much about until now. Does your LO have a dummy? Pro's, Con's of using one, and anyones advice greatly appreciated :)
Hi Amy,
I was really anti using a dummy and swore I would never go down that road. However, when Tom was about four weeks, he seemed to want to suck a lot and was difficult to settle. Our friends suggested we give the dummy a go so that night I did and I've never looked back!
Tom has the dummy every night now to go off to sleep but he spits it out when he's had enough.
Plus, there's another thread on here with a BBC article that says giving a dummy to a baby as he goes off to sleep reduces the risk of cot death.
Personally, I'm really happy with the dummy. It's been a life-saver!
However, if you don't feel it's right for you then that's fine. I certainly don't think you're being unfair if you don't.
Anyway, that's my two-pennies worth!
Good luck!
Lucy x :hug:
I agree with Lucybee - we had exactly the same thing with Grace - after about 5 weeks ended up giving her a dummy (Granny bought it and made me use it - or so I tell everyone) and it has been great.

Grace only likes it though when she is tired. If you give it to her at any other time she just spits it out.

I use it as part of her bedtime routine, bath, feed, grobag and dummy - 2 minutes later she is fast asleep. She actually gives me a big smile when she sees the dummy coming towards her - as if to say ' at long last I have been put in my cot and can get some sleep' it is so sweet.
I b/feed and used a dummy at three weeks after i had spent 3 1/2 hours feeding Dylan and knew he couldn't still be hungry. he has never seemed confused with the 2 but it has helped soothe him a couple of times when i haven't been able to feed him instantly...I don't stick a dummy in his mouth everytime he cries but do if he needs comfort..he usually only has it at night to get to sleep or he wanted it a lot when he was unwell.

There is a post in off the topic about the benefits of dummies and SIDS may make you feel better
My girls both had dummies and I see it as a quick fix. The soothe them quickly but I've found that if you forget or loose their dummy its a nightmare. Plus mine wake up every time there dummy falls out in the night and start crying. Nathan doesn't have a dummy at all and he sleeps soundly all night. He manages to comfort himself in other ways. I am having a problem getting him to sleep in the day for her naps though but apart from that its so much better without a dummy.
I was also anti dummies but I have given in. Tilly only has one when she is literally screaming and then even then she dosnt always want it. I dont want to get in the habit of giving it to her everytime though jus when nothing else seems to work.
I was anti anti anti dummys! I have since changed my mind, I was spending evcery evening with a finger like a prune as all Thomas wanted to do was suck!!

I gave him one and he has it for a few minutes then spits it out, but it seems that it just provides that little bit of comfort! I also find it is handy when we go out if he starts to cry in a shop, instead of me getting stressed out worrying about what other people think and getting annoyed with him we pop it in his mouth for a few minutes and he settles!!!

I don't give it to him a lot at night although I did last night and he went to sleep really quickly so will maybe do that, he doesn't wake up and cry when he realises it is not in so in that respect we are lucky!!

One thing having a baby has taught me is to go against all my previous principles - you have to do what works for your baby!! I swore I would always bf and not have a dummy in any circumstances! Teej is now on bottle and dummy!!!!!
We were determined not to give Ryan a dummy, so much so that we didn't even buy any. When he was in SCBU the staff decided to give him one to suck as they tube-fed him, basically to help him make the connection between sucking and getting a full tummy.

Now that he's home he doesn't like it much, the only time he really uses it is when we're heating his bottle up. Any other time he just screws his face up and spits it out. I wish he would use it when he's tired cos he's a nightmare to get to sleep!

I dont think theres anything wrong with using one as long as its only when they genuinely need it. Its just that some babies take to them better than others :)
melissa has a dummy, it was a bit of a god-send at first when she'd cry and she wasnt hungry/wet/dirty and cuddling and singing didnt work- and it didnt interfere with breastfeeding- but we havent used it hardly in the second week she spits it out. maybe she's figured out theres no milk in it! i'm kinda glad really i didnt want her getting dependent on a dummy. but i'm not against them. i just think it might be hard work a year or two down the line getting them off dummies?
Jake has had a dummy since he was a few weeks old and it has always helped to soothe him. I don't see the problem with them and apparently now it can help to reduce the risk of cot death. The only thing I think might be a problem is taking it away from them when they are older. I hate seeing children walking around with a dummy in there mouth when they are older though so really I want Jake to get rid of his by the age of about 2 (I know it's probably easier said than done). Maybe just try your LO with a dummy and see if it helps.
I too am a member of the ex-dummy-haters club! I swore he would never have one and I felt sooo guilty when I first gave it to him, but it really is a godsend now. He's a really sucky baby and I'd rather he sucks a dummy than my nipple!

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