

Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2007
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did/does your child have a dummy? i tried millie with one but she wouldnt have it, however i tried ryan last night and hes taken to it straight away and thank god i actually got some sleep! :dance:

so i just wondered how you used it for example did they just have it at night time to help settle them? or did they have it all the time?
Keeley took a dummy straight away as she was a very sucky baby.
I only gave it to her at nap times
she still has it now at nap-times :)
Jess and Aimee had their dummies all the time till they were about 18 months then I took it off them in the day. Now Aimee only has hers for bed. Nathan wouldn't have one at all. Sometimes I wish he would cos I don't really know what to do with him if he wakes in the night.
I gave Austin a dummy when he was about 2 weeks old, I had been dead against them & felt really guilty but it was a godsend. Up until then he had been using me as a dummy, he just wanted to suck all the time & my nipples were so sore. He only has it for his daytime naps now & I want to try to get rid of it completely by his birthday.
Cara has hers quite often at the minute as she's quite a sucky baby, but lately she's started to reject it in favour of sucking her fist/fingers.
Apparently I never took to having one, spat it out and promptly threw up... but I ended up sucking my thumb and well ended up with really bad buck teeth... They've been corrected, but I used to get bullied, ended up chipping one, and have had years of painful orthodontic treatment because of it.. so when Tia came round, I was determined that she would take that dummy...

She did at first take it it because she was so sucky... (it was the dummy or my boob :rotfl: ) then when I weaned her she sort of went off it, then when she got to around 1ish, her nan took her to the nursery where she worked, and Tia saw another kid with one, and started wan ting a dummy again. She had it till she was about 4 but only at night really. Then we got her to throw it away, and teddy became the new "thing"...

Can't say it did her any harm... and at least she has nice straight teeth.. :)
yeah my friend who is a dental nurse said its better to give them a dummy than let them suck their thumb beacuse the sucking thumb ones normally need braces etc.

but if they don't want a dummy what can you do!

I do not see the problem with dummies as long as they are not over used.
maybebaby said:
I gave Austin a dummy when he was about 2 weeks old, I had been dead against them & felt really guilty but it was a godsend. Up until then he had been using me as a dummy, he just wanted to suck all the time & my nipples were so sore.

Same here.

I use it for Ryan to keep him quiet if we're out and about and I need to bide some time before he needs food... in the evenings we use it to help him sleep and he spits it out just as he falls asleeep, so he doesnt suck it all night or anything.
I used to give Isaac his dummy when he was tired and for comfort if he was cranky. He still has it now to get to sleep although he can do it without the dummy but it takes longer. If he see's one on the draining tray he wants it and he often comes walking into a room with one that he has found amongst his toys! I'm sure he stashes them for emergencies lol
Katie refused to have a one and sucked her thumb since she was born and still does not at the age of 8 (trying to get her to stop :roll: bit of a pain though) Pleased to say so far though she has perfect teeth.

Lou wouldnt have a one and neither does he suck his thumb, he was happy with useing me like daisy the cow.

Sean did have a dummie and still would if i would let him. :roll:
my LO won't take a dummy, just bawks if i put it in his mouth lol he sucks his fist instead
millie took one her first week then she wouldnt take one for ages. shes just started getting into them now and they do really, really help sometimes! i think she looks really cute with one in too!
When James was first born I was adament that he wouldn't have one cos at that time there was a lot of negative press about them, damaging kids teeth etc

He had bad colic at a month old though and the only thing that would settle him was the dummy! After 5 hours of constant crying I decided maybe dummies weren't that bad after all!

He had it constantly until he was 3 and it did cause problems. I had situations where we were out, and he'd lose his dummy so would cry constantly until we got home and could get another one.
There were occassions where I had to buy him another one whilst we were out to shut him up!

It was also a battle getting rid of it when he was 3, he did look awaful walking around with a dummy in his mouth at that stage and there were lots of tears before he was weaned off it.

If you need to give your baby a dummy don't feel bad about it (a lot of people look down on you when you give your baby a dummy), now in fact they say they can help prevent cot death!
Maybe just try and take them away at a young age cos when your toddler gets attatched to them it's a battle taking them away again!
I gave Lola a dummy at about 2 weeks old as she was using me as a dummy and making herself sick because she was takng too much milk.

She only has it when she tired now and spits it out when she falls asleep so doesn't have it that often
clairescunny55 said:
did/does your child have a dummy? i tried millie with one but she wouldnt have it, however i tried ryan last night and hes taken to it straight away and thank god i actually got some sleep! :dance:

so i just wondered how you used it for example did they just have it at night time to help settle them? or did they have it all the time?

Originally I never gave Isaac a dummy because he was breastfed and I didn't want it affecting that. I've since tried on numerous occassions to see if he'd take a dummy but he never does, he has a try but it's just not his thing.
Lydia never had one but Alex does.

We use it to settle him if he's crying and there is no obvious cause for it (i.e. he doesn't need changing, he's been fed, and we've winded him).

If he's happy we don't give him one.

Sometimes if he's sleeping and we accidently disturb him, we give him the dummy to settle him back to sleep again.
I gave abigail a dummy at 2 weeks old because she had really bad colic and it seemed to sooth her a bit.
Tia i gave her a dummy when she was 4 months old because she kept sucking her thumb and was making it very sore, i got rid of both their dummies last xmas.
Jordan and Hayden have never had a dummy.
Imogen has one as shes a very sucky baby but has been rejecting it recently in favour of her fingers! but at night time when shes going to bed she will take one no problem and we sleep and so does she.

Dummies are a god send!!!
Our little boy had reflux so we gave him a dummy at about 6 weeks of age. It really soothed him in the middle of the night when he seemed to suffer the most with his reflux.

We made sure that he only had it for sleep times not in between times. Especially as he got older and was babbling etc.. If babies get too dependent on them and won't give them up when they're learning to talk it can affect their speech development.

He weaned himself off it at about 10 months.

It's a personal choice, if you feel it's right for your LO use a dummy.

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