breast feeding and dummies?


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2011
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I know not everyone agrees with babies having dummies. I have been told that they can help prevent cot death. Do any of your lo's breat feed and have a dummy? When did you introduce it and was there any confusion with breast feeding?

I tried to give her a dummy but she wasn't having it. Breastfeeding also reduces SIDS as well. Isla suckles in her sleep :love:
Owen had one from about 2 weeks and didn't cause any probs with bfing. He only had it for naps and bedtime. He rejected it at 8 months old when his top 2 teeth came through at the same time and totally refused it, looking at us like 'what are you putting that in my mouth for??!!' Was a tricky few weeks but he's doen the job for it we dont have to worry about how and when to take it away!!
We only every used 'soother' type ones with flatter ends, not the biggish ones.
I breast feed and C has a dummy at bedtime. We've never had any confusion or anything like that, it just settles him to sleep a bit easier. I don't think he will have it for much longer, he is sleeping without it more and more :)
Hi Ladies! :wave:

Thank you for your replies. My son had a dummy but he didn't BF, but I really want to BF this time.

Inky when did you introduce a dummy?

I'm so excited!! Car seat has just arrived!! All I need now is my beautiful little girl to put in it!!
Think he was about 4 weeks old, he just wouldn't settle and it was a last resort, worked though! :)
I breastfed and tried to give Tegan a Dummy from 3 weeks old But she never would take one! x
I breastfeed but Georgie refuses a dummy - to be honest we have not tried very hard to get her to take it!

My brother was breastfed and had a dummy tho!

I would rather them take a dummy than suck their thumb....I completely ruined my teeth and jaw placement by sucking my thumb!

Evelyn has never had a dummy - in the first few weeks when she was constantly feeding I tried her with one but she spat it straight out! lol!

She's never had one since - we're weaning her off the breast now and I always wondered what she'd do for comfort but she's a good self soother so i'm not worried.
Caitlin is breastfed and won't take a dummy either, I tried because I read about it preventing SIDS, but she wasn't having any of it, she sometimes suckles in her sleep too lol
Dexter is breast feeding and has a dummy, he hasn't had any confusion either :) he doesn't have it a lot tho, just occasionally when he s struggling to nod off, other times he isn't interested at all and just spits it out, I think he knows when he wants it and when he doesn't
i used a dummy to stop my daughter sucking her fingers and it took ages but she uses the dummy as comfort now but i only let her have it at night or naptimes or if she grumpy which isnt very often x

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