I was really anti dummy when I was pg with my DD, but when I had a crying screaming mess in the hospital who wanted to be attached to me constantly (*TMI* and with my stitches, it just wasn't practical), a fairly elderly midwife sauntered up to me and whispered "I'm not supposed to say this, but she's comfort sucking, try a dummy" BEST thing anyone suggested.
I was a thumb sucker until I was about 11, I have 1 thumb longer than the other and had to wear braces for buck teeth due to it, so I am glad I found dummies before she found her thumb. Like a lot of the other ladies, the dummy fairy came and took them all away one night and not a tear was shed as she was helping little babies who needed them. Far from affecting her speech, people used to be a little freaked out by this tiny little girl (she looked younger than she was) talking to them, her speech was actually really advanced, but we kept dummies to when she thought about them, usually at bedtime.
Avent dummies are wonderful things because they have the cover on them, I think other than one or two MAM dummies, that was all she had, when she was a newborn, if she spat it out, we'd cover it until she wanted it again to keep dust off it.