downs sydrome test


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2011
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So I know I am a bit late but I had first midwife appointment today, it just basically got me into the system, and took bloods. She also asked about scans. Do I just want a normal dating scan or do I want a screaning scan for downs sydrome? I have to talk to my partner about it but I wantes to know of you ladies have been offered this and if u took it? Also do they also date with the down sydrome test? Whos had it and who hasnt?
I had a Nuchal Translucency scan, but it wasn't offered on the NHS for me, I paid privately. They can scan you between 11w 4d and 13w 6d. They also took my bloods and combined my risk using the blood results with the scan results. Apparently this combined test detects 90% of babies with downs compared to just 70% with just bloods alone! I thought the scan was brilliant and they did date me again from it! Well worth it, and it's such a relief to know the results!
I replied on your other thread hun,

it will be the dating scan regardless of whether or not you decide to have the Down's screening.

If you do opt for the DS test they will give you a blood test and measure the babies nuchal fold during the scan (they also look for other indicators such as nasal bone and they check the heart as DS babies can have congential heart problems)

However you can still have your scan and not be screeened for DS!

We had the screening, we were very lucky and got our results within the hour!

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I got offered the NT scan on the NHS? Do not all trusts do this then? Seems a bit unfair if that's the case. We took it due to family history of downs but probably would have taken it anyway as I signed up to have everything tested that they offered. I got my results two weeks later in the post. I think how long it takes varies from place to place. I did get told on the day though that the measurement on the scan was very low so going by that alone was good news. I think what you have to decide is will it affect what you would do regardless of what it came back as xx
I was offered it but declined it, it makes no difference to me as it would not change my mind on keeping him x
Wales don't offer the test on the NHS as far as I am aware - the rest of the UK does?

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I had the NT scan at 13 weeks and bloods taken. Got my results as low risk 2weeks later.
If I'm honest after my 12week scan, they hadn't told me about the test so didn't know whether to get it done or not. Then I was offered another scan the next week, I said yes... Purely because I would get another scan, awful I know, I just wanted to see my baby again.
I got it done, and the NT measured at a higher risk than normal, and I had to wait 5 days for the bloods to come back for the combined risk, was the longest 5 days of my life. Combined risk came back low, but got an extra scan at 16 weeks as well as my 20 week scan to keep an eye on things and thankfully those 2 scans have shown all good signs that bubs is healthy x
I was offered the NT, but declined - I figured that my risk factors were lw, and as it wouldn't make a difference to me - I opted out. I still had a normal dating scan though. I don't think either decision is right or wrong - its what you want to do x
I had it and was so relieved to get a letter saying we were low risk x
I'm not sure I was offered the NT scan, but since I turned down the blood test, I would have turned down the scan too. The outcome of the test wouldn't make me get rid of blob, so I didn't see the point of maybe worrying about test results
I just wanted to know either way so I could get all the info. I personally wouldn't want any surprises at delivery, I'd want all the professionals waiting to assess the situation. I'd also (if continuing with the pregnancy) want to get in touch with support groups etc in good time. Again, that's just me, I wouldn't want the news to come out of the blue as such x
I didn't realise it was different for other areas but for me I just went along to my dating scan and it was at the end that the ultrasound tech asked me if we wanted the downs test (my midwife had already told me about it so we had chance to think it over).. I said yes and so she took the measurements then and straight afterwards a nurse took my blood.
I got my results in the post about 7 working days later :)
I decided not to have it done. Its a personal choice, but we were also offered it on the NHS as well as our regular dating scan x

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We declined both tests, makes no difference to us what the outcome is. I though it was pointless too, as I wouldn't want to have the amnio with the risk of miscarriage x
Thanks ladies I have spoken to my OH and we have decided to go for it. like many of u jave saod we just dont want the suprise at the birth we would want to prepare. Also I wud get a scan sooner but I didnt tell my OH that lol. I am just scarrd of all results. Even when I know they will be fine :)
we had it done along with the bloods and it came back low risk but then as I had volunteered for a medical expert she couldnt see a nasal bone and so this brought the risk to 1:85/86. We were then offered a amnio test which would have told us for definate if there was down's. We initially had siad we wanted it done as now we were faced wit the possibility we wanted to be fully aware of the whole situation (even though it was one test I said I would never have due to the tiny risk of miscarriage). We had a date booked and everything to have the amnio test and both hubby and I took a wobbler the day before-ish and decided against it as it wouldnt make a blind bit of difference the pregnancy was contiunuing - when we got our 20 week scan i asked the somographer if she could see a nasal bone and she said she could see part but not all of it xx
It's a test I have always declined with all my pregnancies ,it is not a definite yes or no it's an assessment of risk factors , neck measurement , nasal bone , eye measurements , also the mother's risk factors are taken into considation her age and health . Then you get your risk calculation .
Even if you decline the test these measurements are carried out and you would know if something showed up fortunatley mine never have but it's all there in your notes for you to read if you wished and then you could decide to go privately if you wanted anyway .
It is personal choice at the end of the day , good luck with what ever you decide to do .xx
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The test also picks up increased risk for Edwards syndrome and Pateus syndrome, unfortunately the outlook for these babies isn't good as they often die during pregnancy or very soon after birth. It is a very personal decision, we chose to have the testing so we could have all the information available to use if we had to make any decisions. Thankfully we came back as low risk x

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