Downs test ?

I defo decdided to have it done as my sister has downs and so i needed to know, My nuchal scan result i thought was quite high but luckily the bloods come back as 1:12000, for alot of people io know it doesnt change any outcomes but at least if it was done and it was a high risk then you copuld prepare yourself x
I will be having an NT scan as OH has downs in the family and we have discussed it as we wouldnt keep the baby if it was found to have it xxx
I'm not having it. I would never risk the amnio as it has 1 percent chance of mc... Therefore I don't see the point of having the other tests. It would only be torturing myself if it did come back as high risk, as I would have no way of knowing for certain. This is our 1st baby so we will be able to give it 100 percent of our time and attention even if it did have extra needs, and we will love it so much no matter what.

Can defo understand people having it if they have other children where it might not be fair to bring a disabled child into the family who needs a lot of care and attention... I might have it in any future pregnancies for this reason. Its such a personal thing there is no right or wrong answer x
It depends what you would do with the info hunnie. If the answer is nothing then is it worth doing?
For me, I already have 4 children and I have to go back to work full time as I'm the main breadwinner so it wouldn't be fair to my other children or this child if I'm not able to give it the care it needs x

I had the nuchal screening and bloods, as I was like cosmic, older mum with 3 older kids already and felt strongly that my desicsion to have another baby was un fair my kids, as a responsibilty I could pass on to my children if something happened to me and oh in the future. I came back 1 in 9 very high risk, so had cvs, but I was worried about the risk of mc after , but I needed to know.

If you would want to know for def for your own reasons, or to be prepared before birth, then yes the test is a good start, but you need to both decide if you got a high risk - what would you do? that will anwser your question
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I'll be having the scan and bloods. If it comes back as high risk we wont be having the amnio, we'll use the results to prepare ourselves.
My baby cousin had downs, we'd not be without him BUT life has not been easy for him even though he has one of the milder forms.

If I ever get that far in pregnancy then I will have the test.


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