Don't want Down's test


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2007
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Hey all,

This might be my last post as I have the scan tomorrow! fingers crossed that everything is OK as it'll be the first confirmation that we have someone in there! (that little blue line was such a long time ago...) So see all you girls in 2nd tri very soon! :dance:

I just wanted to chat about the blood tests because it's a bit of a decision for me. Is it unusual not to want the Downs test (I think they just do blood here, not nuchal fold)

My reasoning is, there is no way we would get rid of this baby (unless there was some case I can't even imagine where it had really severe disabilities that would mean a miserable and short life) I would not want to have the amnio or other invasive tests that might risk the baby just because the chance of Down's was higher than 1/250.

So it seems fairly straightforward - just don't have the test. Talked about it with DH and he's supportive of that decision as he feels the same way.

however there is part of me that says "rule it out...!" But I really don't want to put myself in the position of the test coming back with a higher than usual risk factor - then I've got to consider whether to have tests I've already decided against...

I also give blood regularly so am going to decline the blood group, HIV, Hep A, syphilis, although I will def have the blood count and rubella tests.

Am i coming across like a real picky missy?! :shakehead: I don't want to be wasting anyone's time when I already know my blood group etc!

If they hadn't given me the choice I would have gone along with whatever the docs did - but seen as I have the choice, I feel like I ought to use it!
both my brother and sister have Downs syndrome but my sister is adopted. My sisters birth mum had the tests and they all came back negative so her birth mum continued with the pregnancy but gave her up at birth for adoption. She just couldn't cope with the baby having downs.

Having a child with Downs isn't as hard as people think and if you plan with carrying on with the pregnancy either way...why bother with the test?

I think (personally) that you should have the test. If you know you are carrying a Downs baby you can contact the Downs Syndrome Association and get some advice and support before you child is born...but better still speak with other families with children who have Downs which will be invaluable help. Plus theres a sort of bond between families with Downs children and you will make many life long friends.

I have been told that I will be given an amio for this baby,...but I really don't want I am going to see what the results are of the nucal fold scan and blood tests...if they come back positive then I will have the amio because I want to rule out Edwards Syndrome. My mother gave birth to another sister with this who died at 4 months. Its a terminal illness and causes sever disabilities. I would rather have an abortion in that case than bury a little baby.

As long as your OH supports you in your decision, you do what you feel is right and don't be forced into taking any tests you don't want to.
I didn't have them, and it was no big deal refusing.

I think it's quite common to opt out.

Good Luck making your decision :hug:
I thought long and hard about having the AFP test too. We decided to go ahead with the test, but will not have an amnio if the results show a high chance of downs, but will have the detailed scan if a high chance of SB.

We went for the tests purely for advance notice, to help us deal with what mother nature has delt us.

We had the test last Tuesday and still haven't heard anything back. It is very difficult waiting for the results, and I'm scared what the results will show, even though they are not 100%
Thanks for your advice everyone and esp Squiglet :hug: sorry to hear about what your family must have gone through losing a poorly baby. I am not sure how I would cope having a child with that kind of condition - agree that I would not want to give birth in that case.

Downs however, while I know it's not easy by any means, I know lots of people with Downs or who have children with the syndrome and they are happy and live fulfilling lives together. So we would just do our best, be really positive and love each other loads whatever.

That's a big reason why I'm wavering - because I WOULD want to have as much time to be prepared for whatever eventuality. I just don't want to be in a situation where I feel forced into more invasive tests because of the uncertainty that this one might throw up.

Thanks for everyone's advice! I'll keep thinking hard and will decide what's right when tomorrow comes around!
Does it depend on your age as to whether or not you get these tests?
ive been offered these tests with this baby but wasnt with last baby. i've not really thought about it yet.

good luck hun
I don't think it depends on your age. I am 29 and all women in my area are offered the test. xx
Its only offered in my area if you are high risk or over 35. It is not offered otherwise.

I wouldnt have this test done, they cant make you so dont worry, its your child. :hug:

I was offered quite a range of tests and said I didn't want any. My descision was accepted and respected - I wasn't made to feel I had to explain myself.

I am Catholic but regardless of that we both knew we wouldn't be able to terminate the pregnancy whatever the result indicated anyway.

I thought we'd just be presented with a load of numbers that didn't really tell us any more. What's the difference between a 1in 200 chance, 1 in 500 chance, 1 in 1000 chance?? There will always be a chance.

Then there's the test accuracy if you opt for further diagnostic tests. My hospital has a 5% false positive record. That's a bloody big chance they're taking.

Would you terminate after a positive diagnostic test when there is a 5% chance it's healthy?

I got the feeling you just wanted to know whether you would be going against the grain and have a hard time declining what is on offer. I really don't think they will make anything of it at all.

I'm sure you'll make the descision that is right for you! :wink:
I had all the bloods done apart from the Downs as my HV couldn't get any more blood from me :roll: but she said it wasnt a biggie not to have it done.
Oh no, no problem telling them that I don't want the tests if that's what I decide. I'm no shrinking violet!

I just wanted to chat it over with a few girls in the same position to see what other people were planning, so thank you all lots!
We haven't decided whether to get them done or not- we wouldn't get rid if there showed any problems but at least if we know you have a chance to read up and prepare.

We need to think over the next few weeks and decide :think:
Squiglet said:
Having a child with Downs isn't as hard as people think and if you plan with carrying on with the pregnancy either way...why bother with the test?

This is exactly why we didn't have ours tested. We didn't want to know, and it wouldn't sway our decision to keeping it or not. I was in the lowest risk group, and the risk of miscarriage by having the test made us realise what's the point of us doing it anyway if it won't change anything.
We felt it wasn't our choice to have the tests in a way. The baby would be what they were and it's our job/blessing as parents to be there for it. Debs does not have Downs and of course it is lovely that that is the case.
I opted not to have the blood test because I wouldnt have the amnio anyway regardless. I also had the choice of being told of any possible abnormalaties at the 20 wk scan and I opted yes, mainly for the reasons squiglet outlined I would like to be prepared in the event of havin a baby with special needs.
Just to let you know what i finally decided, I went with my gut and have ticked "no" to the Downs test. If I was in a higher risk group it would be a different story but I'm set against having an amnio in any event, so we are just going to take what comes. Thanks for all the advice and letting em know what your plans are, it was really helpful!
well done for sticking to your guns.

I declined the down's blood test aswell. Wouldn't have had the amnio anyway and didn't want any extra worry with odds of this or odds of that.

As I've said many times, a 1 in 5 risk is still and 80% chance that yor baby will be healthy! And the amnio carries a 1% chanceof miscarriage anyway!

okaasan im the same we agreed my partner and me well he didnt like the idea of the test anyway and i didnt want it. my mw said to me if your baby had it would u get rid of your baby. i said no. so she said there u go tehn u wont need to do the test :)

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