Squiglet said:Personally think everyone should have the test. Not so that they can have an abortion but there is this terrible negative stereotype around care of Downs people and the only way to correct that is if people research it, go see Down's people in person which you are more likely to do to prepare for the arrival of your own Downs child. If that makes any sense.![]()
Both my siblings have Downs, another with Edwards. I had the tests done with both my kids because if I was to have a child with genetic problems I wanted to know so that I could research the help available and prepare for the arrival of my special child.And they do require you to be a more hands on mother than if your child was ordinary.
The only time I have considered abortion of my child is if the tests came back that my child had Edwards. The babies always die, if they make it beyond birth, there is no hope for them. And I would rather let them go, then make them endure all sorts of medical procedures for their very very short life span.![]()
I have a child thats not what the world would perceive as "perfect", she has Polands Syndrome. She has had, and will have for the rest of her life, painful operations to correct physical defects. But she takes it all in her stride, never complains. Do I wish she never had to go through all this? Of course! who would wish that kinda stuff on their child? Do I wish I could change things? most definitely. If I knew that any of my subsequent babies would be the same would I do it all again? in a heartbeatHer tenacity, her bravery are something to be admired and aspired towards, she is my hero..
A friend of mine has lost two babies to Edward's syndrome, horrible condition and one which is often 'not compatible with life'. Really feel for you having that risk in your family

It's reassuring to see that although one of your children has a condition like she has, and that if any of your subsequent babies were found to have the same condition you would do the same 'in a heartbeat'. It's fantastic how you are coping with everything. Just goes to prove how strong us women can be and can adapt to whatever life throws at us.

Anna23 said:![]()
I BEG YOUR PARDON? how dear you speak to manda like that you have no right to judge her especialy as you have no children with problems, you have never experianced the agony of having your child in hospital and seeing the pain of opps ect they go through sorry if this sounds harsh but i'm shockked by what you have said, accusing her of terminating her baby, Manda clearly STATED she would have to seriously think about it if the baby has problems and it DEPENDS on the problems ect...also i know Manda and she wouldn't take a dicision like that lightly. so let's not go jumping the gun and lets leave this now, oh and btw i know what it's like to have a child in hospital becasue i was the child in hospital seeing my mum go though what she went though with me as a child and still goes though when i have my major opps
Anna, can I just ask, do you know me or any of my children? I wasn't aware that we were acquainted. How do you know none of my children have problems?
As a child who has been in hospital, and are happily having children now, would it be right for your mother to have aborted you because she had found out that you weren't 'perfect'? Yes it would have spared you the ops you had to endure, but it doesn't mean your mum loved you any less does it?

We all make decisions to have children or try to make children. Since the 1960's we have had pretty good forms of contraception. After having my first baby, I was very depressed and at that point in my life did not feel I could cope with having another child running about and causing chaos. So I went to the doctor and had the injection to prevent me falling pregnant again. When that wasn't agreeing with me, I had a coil fitted. I don't want to appear to preach here, but I don't think in this day and age anybody's pregnancy should come as 'a shock'. You have unprotected sexual intercourse, you run the risk of getting pregnant. It's basic biology.
Whilst I may seem adamantly pro-life, if anyone would care to do a search for some posts I made last February, you will see I DO understand why some women feel they can't cope with another child. At the end of the day, I decided that just because my baby may not be 'perfect' in the eyes of some people, I was going to love him no matter what. Just because people don't lay their hearts out on this forum, does not mean problems do not exist.
This is always going to be topic which evokes emotions in people. If you don't want an issue you raise discussed by people you 'don't know' than may I suggest you don't post it on a public forum?