don't know if i can do it anymore.

I used them this month and bam i got pregnant they do help alot , saying that though we did :bd: every day so makes sense why it happened as we didnt miss a day x
Hope you feel a bit happier soon, I was depressed at the weekend with all this 2WW business too, so your def not alone here, you don't realise before trying how stressful it will be do you!

Keep positive and try to get busy with something else, as my 2WW seemed about 6 weeks in length with me obbsesively focusing on it all the time, do something else and it will be gone in a flash!!

Good luck to you XX
Don't give up! It took us 1.5 years to get pregnant so I know how frustrating it can be. But once he was born it would have been worth all the heart ache even if it would have taken a lot longer!!

Good luck:hug:
I would try the OPK's fingers crossed for you hun hope you get a BFP soon x
thanks all.

i probably will. worked out earlier that if my cycle has gone back to normal this month( week late last month) then i will be due af next wednesday/thursday.

hopefully the witch will stay away.

like a few others i havent been able to sleep too well so don't know if that is a sign and still getting egg white discharge(tmi)

Hey babe

I've bin ttc since beginning ov august & I completely understand. I thought it wud just happen straight away as it did wiv my daughter but I'm still waiting!
but as the ladies av sed it will b more than worth it in the end, I'd wait another 9 months tryin knowin the joy that will b my reward at the end!!
Keep ur chin up, try not 2 worry & enjoy the practice!! :wink: ( writing this thinking I shud prob take my own advice!! Lol)

Lotsa :dust:

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