Does is annoy you...


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2011
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...when people get your LO's name wrong?

Ella has such a simple name yet my uncle and aunt still insist on calling her Ellie or Leya!!


I dont mind when randomers get it wrong but family for god sake!
it bugs me cos ppl call her alisha, i actually asked the nurse how she had got Alisha from Alyssa as there wasnt even a H in it.... ppl just cant be arsed reading or listening properly
Yes! It is Kallie (rhymes with Sally), but everyone calls her Kaylie! My grandparents don't even try. We went to visit and they called her Baby the whole time lol.
My family don't say her name wrong but my dad once spelt her name as 'feebee' :shock:
I know how you feel. We always get Leonardo. Or then lee Andrew but dunno if its my accent for the lee Andrew one. Feel Iike screaming its lee-an-dro. Suppose it doesn't help his nick name is leo. But Leonardo drives me up the wall. Xx

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Nobody gets joshuas namr wrong as such but I hate it when he gets called josh!! Even by complete strangers! "aww whats his name" JOSHUA" "Hi josh!" drives me mad why people think every joshua should be shortened!

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Our son's name is Finn, but one of the nurses at the hospital Insisted on calling him Finlay! We chose Finn so that we wouldn't have the problem of people shortening his name but never did I think they'd end up lengthening it instead!! x
@kirsty I have that exact problem. With me and LO. Im tasha (not Natasha) and he is Ollie (not Oliver). It will go on forever...
Terri I have same problem!! I HATE people calling Stanley, Stan!!!! X
We were going to call our baby to be Stanley, but I'm not purely because of that reason, I hate stan and it's inevitable that it would happen xx

I get the Ellie for Ella too! You kinda get used to it after the first few years :lol: I don't really correct people, but make a point of calling her ell-a very loudly infront of them! But then I sound a twat haha! It winds me up when people spell Katie with a y too! Honestly I thought I'd given them nice "simple" names that people couldn't get wrong cos our surnames a bit of a handfull!
For the past 23 years my own mum has got my name wrong and called me George, my names Jo lol. Albert has so many variations it doesn't bother me really what people call him as long as it's polite :D
My gran has called Evangeline Evelyn since the day she was born. I would put up a fight about it but she's 96, deaf and going blind - no point really!!!
My name is Liz and I have a very slight lisp on the z so I get called everything, the main being Lisa or Louise!! Sometimes i just roll with it coz I can be arsed!! DH gran used to spell it Lix as well!! Very odd considering it is such a 'normal' name!!
This is the exact reason Jack is called Jack! No getting that wrong (I hope!). I hate that I have to constantly say 'Claire with an I' so wanted a name for my children that people couldn't really get wrong x
Yesterday a Filipino doctor and his African nurse spent my entire appointment calling Lewis 'Louise', I didn't bother correcting them it sounded exotic in their accents lol.

On a side note I keep getting my children's names mixed up. I feel like I'm turning into my nan.
Yes! ESP at the docs where they have to call her name they just glance at it and usually end up calling her Angela!! Or worse when OHs family starting saying 'Angie' that friggin bugs me!! X
My dad shortened Henry's name to "Hen" when he was about 2 weeks old. Needless to say I had a go at him for that!

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I've had numerous variations of my name, Carly.

I worked in a nursery & was called darly, Car, leelee.

My nickname is Larly hence larlybelle.

When I worked in santorini the Greeks couldn't pronounce my name so they called me callie, which I have to say I quite like! It was on our short list for a girl :)

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