Does anyone know you're TTC?

I told anyone and everyone about ttc at first and it was nice...

Then a year later i find myself playing down our efforts and saying things like "No rush, we're just seeing how it goes".

Now we need IVF and i have only told a very few select people and to be honest i wish i hadn't told anyone about IVF because people just don't know what they are talking about. They all seem to think you pop into the docotors one day and come out with a gauranteed pregnancy :oooo:

I suppose it's a bit like that with ttc too really. Everyone assumes it happens quickly for everyone without any stress involved at all.

I just wish people realised what other people went through before they talked all gushy and overly optimistically or even impatiently :roll:

Ok, rant over :good:

To be honest i think i would still tell everyone i was ttc, just because other people talking as if me having a baby is only a matter of time is all that gets me through some days even if it can be annoying at times :)
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I've told my mum and sister that we're going to try later this summer but secretly we're going to start trying this month. We're having a holiday with my parents in July so will be obvious when I'm not drinking!!
Wouldn't tell anybody else cause I'm so paranoid I won't be able to fall pregnant
yesh i know what you mean is nice telling people :) to get that buzz of excitement back off them xx
Well we didnt tell anyone to start with but now both sets of parents and my best friends know. its been good actually as they have shielded us from the "so when are you having a baby?" which has been nice!! Only thing is that now feel that will have to tell em as soon as im pregnant so no little secrets for us!

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