Anyone TTC with IBD/IBS


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2012
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I am just wondering if anyone on here suffers from inflamatory bowel disease? I've had ulcerative colitis for 22 years, and although it is quite mild now I have been through the mill with it over the years. My consultant says it's fine to take all my medication whilst ttc and when pg.

It doesn't cause me too many issues when ttc, but because mine is stress related the 2ww doesn't help me much. I also get an upset tummy when ovulating, but that may be ibs as that can flare up sometimes too.

Am interested to find out if there is anyone here with colitis, crohn's, ibs or any other ibds. Has anyone experience of being pregnant with it, is it more likely to flare up? - as that scares me a little.

:wave: xxx
Hi hun, i have ibs. Its not been too bad lately but sometimes it flares up when i least expect it. Hate the tummy pains that go with it, and stress really doesnt help does it. Im currently on cycle 13 so have no idea how its going to be when pg.

Michelle. x
I have IBS! I mostly have mine under control now, I know what food will set me off so I know what to avoid!! Occasionally I'll get a bout of it if I am stressed or worried about something. I have wondered what will happen during pregnancy though. I also found that drinking Yakult type good bacteria drinks really helped. I've even managed to stop taking medication now.
I have IBS too - doesn't cause too many probs and I am not on any meds for it - sometimes take Buscopan if it flares up when I am stressed etc. Most fruit upsets me so I rarely eat any, and take vit supplements instead

I sometimes get cramps due to ibs and mistake it for af, ov cramps etc though which is annoying, lol.

Have been pregnant twice and didn't really have any issues in that dept, but one benefit was I never got pregnancy related constipation :)
i have ibs and am currently nearly 12 weeks pregnant..

i have the problem of my bowels dont want to move and since being pregnant it has actually helped alot as i go every day as appose to the 2 weeks before lol xxx
Coffee, cheese, oranges and milk are the main culprits for me! I can have a little bit every now and again but if I have too much I'll be on the toilet for the rest of the day! I get squits and cramps rather than constipation.
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Thanks everyone - is good to hear people manage pregnancy with bowel issues. Unfortunately coming off medication will never be possible for me as ulcerative colitis means my bowel gets ulcers and bleeds so I need to be on top of it.

I don't have milk (unless in tea - and then only small amounts) as milk and ice-cream always set off ibs. Other than that just spicy foods and too much rich food can cause me issues, my uc has no food triggers and is more stress related.

I sympathise with you Iwant3 as I often find cramps and bloating can be confused with af / ov pains, really annoying.

Anyway good luck russellmuscle for a healthy pregnancy and :dust: for the rest of us xxx
Yes the confusing cramps are annoying - yesterday I had to take some imodium as I needed to leave the house and had been 5 times in an hour, lol. And now today I have cramps probably because I haven't been! iykwim!

And yesterday I had a quite dark ov test so was thinkin cramps could be early ov, but todays ov test is faint! ho hum.
I have IBS and it drives me insane!

I'm not too sure how it effects me when I ov as I don't have a clue when I ov.

But hope everything is fine and fingers crossed for your :bfp:

my IBS actually disappeared during is back now though xx
likewise with me samsgirl, I didnt go for about two weeks but im daily now!
mine is very mild, only gets bad if i get stressed or eat the wrong things - but i found mine improved (to the point where i could eat anything) during pregnancy and i still find some improvement a year after!

good luck!
Hey I have ibs and was TTC for about 15 - 16 months and was wondering if ibs could be the cause as well as anything else I could think off. The month before I concieved I had sex every single day and nothing. So the following month I decided to give Opk a go. Not expensive ones some cheat ones from amazon think I got about 25 for £4 anyway I only used 5 and concieved that month once the Opk wasn't reading positive anymore I didnt have sex and concieved that month. It's worth ago if u haven't used them.before to actually know ur ovulating and having sex when u r x
Hiya hun I have got crohns desease, my pregnancy was ok until 28 weeks when i started getting bad pains in my right hand side in my back. i thought it was the crohns but it turned out I had gall stones which can be aggrevated by crohns and pregnancy. I ended up having to have my gall bladder out when joseph was 3 weeks old. was a bit of a nightmare tbh. I just hope if we are lucky enough to get preg again it will be more straight forward. I was put on strong steroids by my crohns specialist whilst pregnant which were safe for baby. :) x

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