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do you believe in GOD???

hi, i agree i feel we are all accepting on this forum and i for one would not slate anyone for what they believ in and im glad everyone is being respectful in this post, which just goes to show it doesnt have to turn out in debates all the time. i personally do not believe in a god or follow any religion. i would like to believe that there is a place where we all go and can see lost loved ones etc but i cannot fully conclude that i believe in such a place.
Tasha20 said:
I am not affraid to die and I believe we have had many lives.

I think we have more than 1 life but im petrified of dieing :cry: I know its stupid but i cant watch horror films because i have panik attacks when i see people die :oops: .

budge said:
yeah i do

i do, but theres a few things i am unsure about....i go to gape vine and cliff collage which are grate festivals to go to and i love them! at the moment im looking for a youth church for young adults. i used to go to one but its gotten a little young for me now!

this is a good topic acually...there is a lot of opinions about this suject so its interstin to see what poeple think about christianity!

dose and 1 else go to festivals?

:cheer: :dance:
I believe in something i suppose it would be a god/person not sure.
I pray, but i don't go to church, i love christmas but it has become so commercial there is no meaning to it, I went to a CoE school and was christened CoE, and i am glad i was christened, we married in a CoE church but my hubby is atheist.

I went to Catholic 6th form and found it hard work esp as they would have morning, lunch and evening prayers and also masses that were compuslory but i felt very welcome there.

I believe there is a place after death not sure whether it would be a 'heaven' but having been to see Colin Fry a clairvoyant it has made me think about things more.

But i dont like religion being shoved down your throat, i.e jahovas coming to your door and giving leaflets out. every one to their own and i respect that but respect others too.
jenna said:
Tasha20 said:
I am not affraid to die and I believe we have had many lives.

I think we have more than 1 life but im petrified of dieing :cry: I know its stupid but i cant watch horror films because i have panik attacks when i see people die :oops: .

im so afraid of dying, always have been, when i was little i used to cry at leas twice a week, just lay in bed thinking about it and start crying, i used to pray and ask that me and family could live forever, even now, i have times when i lay in bed thinking about dying and i just start shaking and nearly crying, its awful, its the one thing i am most petrified about!!!! :(
MissGobby said:
im so afraid of dying, always have been, when i was little i used to cry at leas twice a week, just lay in bed thinking about it and start crying, i used to pray and ask that me and family could live forever, even now, i have times when i lay in bed thinking about dying and i just start shaking and nearly crying, its awful, its the one thing i am most petrified about!!!! :(

I feel the same hun :hug: I never thought about it till my grandad died. Then i just lost it and couldnt stop thinking about what he was feeling and thinking and wether id be ok when i die. I just cant get over that some one will cut me open when i die and i wont feel it (or will i??). Theres a lot of stories of people waking up weeks after being prononced dead.

Always get upset when my DH says he will love me forever and give him the whole "OMG at some point we will die and wont be together and i might lose you and be alone or you might lose me and be alone" speech! :cry:
im exactly the same Jenna, i will think about something that is forever, and then in my head i think, forever, i will be dead at some point FOREVER!!! and that really freaks me out and upsets me!!!! :cry:
I do and I dont... I do beleive that there had to have been someone or thing to put everything on this planet, but then I also wonder why the good die young or get seriously ill....

When my mum was dying her faith became so much more real and she said she wanted to go and see the other side.... but I just sat and thought why? Why can your faith grow for someone so special and magical, yet they aren't helping you.
SarahH said:
I do and I dont... I do beleive that there had to have been someone or thing to put everything on this planet, but then I also wonder why the good die young or get seriously ill....

When my mum was dying her faith became so much more real and she said she wanted to go and see the other side.... but I just sat and thought why? Why can your faith grow for someone so special and magical, yet they aren't helping you.
its so hard to understand isnt it Sarah? Life ?
i believe there is some one up there watching over us all
and i beleieve jesus dies on the gross and was a hero etc, but i dont believe in the walking on water and turning bread into all that food.

i believe we all carry on in spirit when we die
I believe in God. I am a catholic and whilst there are lots of things about the religion i disagree with i do think that there is a higher being.
glitzyglamgirl said:
OMG my views on this would offend a LOT of people so im gonna keep :shhh:

I'm the same Hun. In some country's I would be stoned to death for my beliefs!! If only I was man and then there would be 72 virgins waiting for me! I am surprised though, given your spiritual belief. I thought you might be more a 'believer'. Please don't take that the wrong way, I couldn't think of the right word! (PM me Hun, I would interested to know your opinion..........it takes an educated soul to see it from all sides! :)
knowledge is power and all that!

I would like to say though, that even though I don't believe in 'god' (as written by man) I don't rule out the concept of a creator. Even one of my best mates Kev
who has found a planet and has a degree in astrophysics believes in a 'creator'......................he doesn't buy into the belief of solely a big bang. Its makes you think!
Great thread, guess we are not just 'mothers' after all!! :wink: :hug:
Hi Misslarue, I am a believer in power, and in some outside force, but its my opinion of how and why its been mis-interpreted that could offend people.

Anway I'll pm you later today when I have time to think as id love to chat about it with someone :D
Religion is the opium of the masses...although these days and in the UK its more likely to be Primark and shopping in general...

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