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do you believe in GOD???

budge said:
these sorts of threads create arguments as a rule. :)
i wasn't closing it as such - i can't do that but i thought it was well said what tuck said

but it's something different to chat about.. and it is interesting hearing peoples comment on god...
i agree! i could talk religion and politics all night long but some people don't want to! the post is still open to all who wany to talk! :)

i don't like pushing anything down peoples necks! breastfeeding, religion , budgies!!! (well i do like showing them off LOL)
budge said:
i agree! i could talk religion and politics all night long but some people don't want to! the post is still open to all who wany to talk! :)

i don't like pushing anything down peoples necks! breastfeeding, religion , budgies!!! (well i do like showing them off LOL)

oh i hope i ain't pushing?? :wink:

I really don't know whether there is one or not i think the fact that you believe gives you comfort when someone close to you dies and when COnal was ill i was going to get him christened because i wanted to believe he would be looked after in heaven.

It's nice to believe there is something there when you die and that you will meet everyone you have lost and miss and i would like my kids to think that i was going somewhere if anything happened to me but i just am not sure :?

So my answer is i don't know!

religion is not my cup of tea, but i remain open-minded as there is no proof either way.
budge said:
How many people have read the bible?
i read genesis and made a start on exodus. i didnt get any further than that, tho!
neeko_1 said:
budge said:
i agree! i could talk religion and politics all night long but some people don't want to! the post is still open to all who wany to talk! :)

i don't like pushing anything down peoples necks! breastfeeding, religion , budgies!!! (well i do like showing them off LOL)

oh i hope i ain't pushing?? :wink:

hehe i know :hug:
I agree, as a Philosophy and Theology graduate, this is an interesting thread; everyone on this forum is lovely, I am sure no one will put down anyone else for their beliefs, like wise no one has to declare any belief.

I was brought up by Catholic parents...but in name only...they married in a Catholic Church and I was baptised as such, but they were not practising. I went to a Catholic school and as a teenager became very spiritual. Teenage life was tough for me and my sister and I think we both took refuge in our faith. We went on many retreats with a religious community and thrived in the support and love we recieved.
I had very low self esteem, but this point in my life was life-changing, and I began to believe that I had worth and that I was loved for being me. (Soppy but really important to a disaffecred 16 year old.)

I wanted to become an RE teacher so I went to uni to study Philosophy and Theology. Sadly, at Uni, I got in with a different Christian group. This group were very miliatant and 'ram-it-down-your-throat', so very different from the accepting group I was used too. They were so judgemental about gay relationships, single mothers and sex. I was so appalled that I began to loose my way. I began to question organised religion. I believed that God loved everyone and would not persecute someone for having sex before marriage or loving someone of the same sex. I had learned from my early experience that I could have a relationship with God without having to join in with mindless services.

I do believe in God; but my God is very personal. I can talk to him without going to Church. He is kind and loving and does not judge. I get comfort from talking to him when things are tough and I believe that people i love are with him when they die.

I don't care what others believe, I respect all beliefs. I don't tell the children in my class that what believe. I just state what people of different religions believe and let them make up their own minds. I do not partake in any act of worship in school because I believe it is wrong to impose beliefs on anyone, especially young children who know no better.

My husband is a staunch Atheist. we have many philosphical conversations about what we belive. However, although he is an anthiest, he is the most Christian, non-Christian I know. He is very compassionate and cares deeply about others.

Wow, that was long, but I do love the topic :cheer:
I believe in God, but I also believe it is a very personal thing and everyone is free to believe what they want. I respect everyone's beliefs and would never say that someone else was wrong. :D
To be honest I don't know what to believe, like someone has already said I believe there is something but what or who it is I will have to wait to find that out!
I used to go to church a lot, but mostly for the social side as bad as that sounds, I always used to play "devils advocate" and they liked me for that.

I'm not into religion of any sort or think there's anything controlling or choosing the way we do things.. I think if I choose something then it's my choice, not someone already knowing I'm choosing it.
i am christened
i believe in god or a higher power but i dont believe in jesus or anything from the bible
I know this is a really contraversial topic and everyone is entitled to their own opinions, values, believes etc so I'll keep this short. Yes I believe and although raised Chuch of England I'm now a practising Catholic. So Neeko I don't want to go posting heaps about the how's and why's etc but if there is something specific you were looking to find out or something you want to know or want to know if there's a reason behind something etc please just PM me and I'll do my best to help you :hug:
TBH im not sure whether i believe in God or not, im a bit two ways with it, the whole Christian thing i wasnt sure of at all, my DF's mum is a Christian and goes to Church every Sunday, i went with her when DF was in Iraq to pray for him and i felt very warm there, anyway, still not convinced etc about religion i watched Passion Of The Christ last Sunday night and OMG it was sooo awful but really made me think, actually keep thinking about it, even a week on, and for some reason has really made me think about the Christian religion, but im two ways on whether there is a god or not?!

sorry for the ramble :roll:
I don't believe in God. I think the world would be a much nicer place if there was no religion, it seems to cause so much trouble.
OMG my views on this would offend a LOT of people so im gonna keep :shhh:

Everyones entitled to thier own beleifs and opinions and discussing them is fine, but it seems to be one of those topics where anyone can be offended at the most innocent remarks, so please bare that in mind. :D
I dont but...

I think that people can believe what they like (how ever weird or unbelieveable it is to others) as long as they dont push it on others. I work with people that believe in god and i have no problem with them because it never comes up in conversation and they never try to push me into believing it. But on the other hand if some one does and they non stop talk about it or try to push people in to it then i have to have my say because i cant stand people like that :evil: . What YOU believe is what YOU believe if i wanted to know more about god id ask i dont wanna be told, same as they dont want to know my views.

I was raised a Catholic and believe very much in a higher being. I feel our path is mapped out long before we are born, we have choices to make along the way as to which road we follow but ultimately we end up where we're meant to. When we were younger me and my sisters used to joke with my mum that her seat next to God was polished, ready and waiting for her :D (she was very religious and had strong beliefs). I think it used to upset her that I didn't go to mass but I've always prayed mainly to my mum these days. When she died (7 years ago) I really felt she was going to a better place and I get a lot of comfort in that and knowing she's there looking out for me.
I am not in with any religion, I have my own spiritual beliefs but dont belive the bible or any other religion for that matter.

I do believe there is a God or many and theres alot more to life than what we see.

To be honest none of the religions are any different to each other just different veiws on how they understand and want to believe.

I am not affraid to die and I believe we have had many lives.

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