did you find out/ are you finding out the sex??

I found out, I love being able to buy everything now instead of having to buy unisex things untill the birth!
I also love being able to call him by his name already, I personally find it easier and better knowing, but I know it's not everyones thing.
I didnt last time and I was convinced I was having a boy , had a giggle when they said girl :) I'd like to know this time but my OH is pretty against it .
personally....me and my o/h are going to find out what sex it is because we have thought about names, if its a boy we are calling him Tao Thomas, and if its a girl we are calling her Cassidy Ivy.
So we just want to find out ASAP so we know what its going to be called.

Just a personal opinion though. :)
i wanted to find out but they cud never see lol but when i had her i was very glad.... the surprise was amazing , i cried buckets!! xx
Hey SunnyGirl, I'm due one day before you and can't decide either. I think its a no just now, no real reason for us to find out apart from satisfying our curiosity. I think I can wait till Oct, but we'll wait and see how we feel on scan day, maybe we'll change our minds :)
I'm going to find out. I hate surprises so much I never get them cos I just pester everyone until I know, so it'll be torture if I didnt find out. Plus I like to be organised for when baby arrives! x
Hey SunnyGirl, I'm due one day before you and can't decide either. I think its a no just now, no real reason for us to find out apart from satisfying our curiosity. I think I can wait till Oct, but we'll wait and see how we feel on scan day, maybe we'll change our minds :)

Word for word how I feel!!
I just know that if the sonographer say "would you like to know the sex?" I'll have caved and said yes before they get to the word "know" haha!
I really really really want to find out, OH is curious but doesn't want to find out but is desperate for a little girl. Everyone is telling me not to find out because of the surprise thing. But if I did find out, I've told OH I don't want anyone knowing but the two of us. However, I don't think he'd be able to hold his own water if he knew. However he said he definitely doesn't want to know. I was thinking of maybe slipping the sonographer some notes to check and whisper as we're leaving so OH doesn't know but I do!! :whistle:

hahaha xxx
With my first pregnancy i couldnt find out as the hospital i was under wouldnt tell you. This time round the hospital im under do tell you and i was so excited about finding out.

Although it was lovely to find out when she was born. It has been great knowing this time round we have been able to really think about names and have been buying pink stuff which my daughter has loved doing
lol!!! where i am sonogoraphers wont tell one , will only tell if BOTH want to know xx
funny - to start with I though I will definitely want to find out! Now I'm not sure. 2 reasons:

1. They sometimes get it wrong! I think this would be horrible if I was sure that I'm having a girl, bought all the pink stuff, chose girly name, dreamt about my little daughter all the time and then would have a boy after all! I mean I'm not bothered either way, just I don't want to get too used to the idea of having a daughter or a son and then be disappointed.

2. Currently we are having lots of fun with my husband choosing names for both sexes, thinking of how he or she could look, what they might do when they grow up, etc. We are preparing for both, girl and boy, and it's double fun. If I knew for definite who I'm gonna have, half of the fun would be taken away.

that's it. Personally I don't really understand the 'surprise' thing. I like surprise presents on Christmas, but the 'surprise' feeling doesn't feel very appropriate to me for having a baby. But that's a personal thing, of course.
funny - to start with I though I will definitely want to find out! Now I'm not sure. 2 reasons:

1. They sometimes get it wrong! I think this would be horrible if I was sure that I'm having a girl, bought all the pink stuff, chose girly name, dreamt about my little daughter all the time and then would have a boy after all! I mean I'm not bothered either way, just I don't want to get too used to the idea of having a daughter or a son and then be disappointed.

2. Currently we are having lots of fun with my husband choosing names for both sexes, thinking of how he or she could look, what they might do when they grow up, etc. We are preparing for both, girl and boy, and it's double fun. If I knew for definite who I'm gonna have, half of the fun would be taken away.

that's it. Personally I don't really understand the 'surprise' thing. I like surprise presents on Christmas, but the 'surprise' feeling doesn't feel very appropriate to me for having a baby. But that's a personal thing, of course.

okay, hypertheticly: i started being exited about both sexes and thinking of girls and boys names (lots of fun), but as the days went on i found myself wanting a boy and eliminated the fact that it could be a girl, im constantly thinking of boys names, looking at boys baby clothes, and looking into the futre where my boy will be......if it comes out a girl i would be dissapointed as i didnt see what sex it is. (this is a hyperthetic scenario, its not a true story) lol
i love knowing what im having :) ive had extra growth scans too so i got them to double check the sex lol i only didnt find out with my 1st on my 3rd only i found out because her dad didnt want to know and he didnt know until she was born on my 4th i left it up to my dh as he was his 1st child he said he didnt want to know at 1st but as the scan got nearer he changed his mind and on this 1 we was both 100% sure we wanted to find out the sex
okay, hypertheticly: i started being exited about both sexes and thinking of girls and boys names (lots of fun), but as the days went on i found myself wanting a boy and eliminated the fact that it could be a girl, im constantly thinking of boys names, looking at boys baby clothes, and looking into the futre where my boy will be......if it comes out a girl i would be dissapointed as i didnt see what sex it is. (this is a hyperthetic scenario, its not a true story) lol

This kind of was true for me - I wanted a girl and thought if I waited until the end and a boy popped out after not knowing all that time, I would be disappointed. But if I knew from half way through it was a boy I would have plenty of time to come around to it and get excited about having a boy, because of course I would have been still been excited. As it happened, we are pretty sure she's a girl so not an issue but this has meant we haven't had to umm and ahh and try and gee ourselves up for a boy.
I really wanted to know first time round because everything else was a complete unknown! I had no idea what to expect from pregnancy, labour or the birth and we thought that if we at least knew one certainty it would help us muddle through the rest!! We had lots of scans on No#1 though so we were certain he was boy.

This time round - I think I'd like to leave it until he/she arrives. We have soo many neutral baby clothes from No#1 that being prepared isn't an issue and I'm not silly enough this time round to think baby needs head to toe "little people" outfits from birth - which I did with No#1, and ended up with dozens of outfits that he never even wore.

I think I'd quite like another boy, but we'd be equally as delighted if a girl arrived - we honestly have no preference, so I think we'll just play the waiting game this time :)
I'm still totally undecided...I think it'll be down to that spilt second in the scan room when they ask us if we want to know...I'll just decided then...I really cant decided!!
I don't want to find out, but OH does as he wants to be prepared, so we will probably find out the sex
We found out the sex... Mainly cause i'm so impatient and like to know everything i can about everything!
Helped me see the bump with more of an identity, before finding out it was just a bump, then suddenly it was 'my little girl'!
For me, i felt it was going to be a big enough 'surprise' having a baby at all so didn't feel i was losing anything by finding out the sex... Just me though ;) x

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