DH will be home at lunchtime for the holidays


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2011
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So relieved. I've been stressing about not being ready and not really enjoyed being on my own whilst on mat leave.

Also got period cramps but really low down a lot of last night. This morning getting sharp shooting cramping pains sort of at the back of my foof which has made me feel like I needed a poo even though I've already been. Pains get worse when i sit on the loo, enough to take my breath away. I don't think this it, just think its warning shots iykwim. No shows or leaks or anything. Bubs is still having a good squirm.

Haven't told DH about it because i didn't want to panic him on his last day at work. Will tell him when he gets home.

Gonna rush now and finish wrapping his Xmas pressies. So at least if Im in hospital on Xmas day at least he's still got something to open. Also must finish packing my bags :shock: ! It's still not finished.
Argh I HATE the waiting and pains so frustrating!! Yay for OH being off tho!

Well I'm wrapped :yay:

DH dropped round at his Nan's on the way home but is now on the way home via Subway. Meatball Marinara here I come mmmmm.
My hubby has just finished for Christmas too and hopefully for the next month as he gets Christmas off, then has 7 days holiday to take and then paternity leave. Being induced next Thursday, so should have baby by new year and that means he is off for 4 weeks. We have just been out for a celebration lunch.

Good luck with it all.
That's sounds lovely :yay: You get sometime with him and get to share baby.
well OH is currently having his 'christmas finsihing work' drink with his colleagues and i just dread to think........ha ha...oh well, it is xmas....i will get my own back next year x
:-( My OH is chef and working, working, working. Left this morning at 8.30 am, wont get home til Midnight. Is working tomorrow which is christmas eve, also christmas day, right through til New years eve, and no paternity leave. :-(

Oh, he gets boxing day off.

He does a split shift every day right now because he's the Head Chef and they are really busy.

His boss has expressed 'concerns' about me going into labour on a big night and leaving them in the shit. So OH has promised that though he will be with me for the birth (what ever night /day that is) that he will come back to work the following day without fail.

I'm feeling a bit low about it tbh! Kind of resentful. But I cant say anything because my poor husband is much more low and resentful about it and feels like walking out on his job (Not an option as how will we pay the mortgage?) so I have to stay up beat and say it's fine so as not to make him feel worse! :cry:

Sorry, I've crashed your happy thread with my doom and gloom now!
awwww bless you. i can understand how upsetting that must be for you and hubby :( it's such a shame his job is so demanding....

good job you have us....p.s you can text me anytime you need to....even if it's just for idle chit chat.. :) xx
awwww bless you. i can understand how upsetting that must be for you and hubby :( it's such a shame his job is so demanding....

good job you have us....p.s you can text me anytime you need to....even if it's just for idle chit chat.. :) xx

Thanks Samsgirl, and thanks all you girls, I definitely rely on you when I feel low. You cheer me up immeasurably with all the talk about mucus, poo and heartburn :yay:
And they make everything better :oooo:

It doesnt matter that I dont have my husband around for christmas, as long as i have piles - lol

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