could the DIY sweep be working...

no fooking difference at all... after putting the DH throu the trauma!!!! (think it effected him more than me) it's made no difference - i'm still waiting for contractions to start... the pressure from down below has even gone... fook fook fook....

i don't think it's a baby.... i think i'm a bloody experiement! the hospital and doctors are using me as an experiment - tell a woman she's pregnant.. confince her with a scan and watch her put weight on....

oh well got my hospital appointment tomorrow... will i get away with murder if they send me home with another date? :twisted:
Aww, bless you! :hug:
I know exactly how you feel as Kayleigh was very overdue. I'll keep everything crossed for tomorrow hun.
yes my first two were both over due so jokes aside i do know hoe frustrating it is. It will happen though. :hug:
Oh i do hope something happens soon hayley, i was early wit both of mine so dont know what it is like, with Olivia i was so hoping i would be started off early like i was with Brooke, when they was letting me go full i was gutted i was so ready for her to come! I felt bad enough and she was 4 days early i dont think i would have coped with going overdue!

As for the pressure and period pains i had these the for a cople of days before i had Olivia and on the 3rd night it really was for real, hope your sweep works!
Hey hunnie,

I know exactly how you feel....Haylea was overdue and I was doing lots of shouting n carrying on.... :lol: But hopefully you will be holding your LO very soon....Fingers crossed for your sweep tomorrow....good luck hunnie.... :hug: :hug:
thanks girls... your all going to be bored of hearing me moan you'll want me to be induced too... :pray: it's the not knowing when it'll happen, the constant telephone calls and text message from friends and family, the wait for a pain that does my head in....

sod it i'm going out to buy some new shoes... don't have a clue what size i am as feet are huge but at least it'll cheer me up a bit... i'll put them away for when LO finally comes - present to myself..

Good for you babe, you deserve it. LO will be here in the next 7 days, just keep thinking thgat hun, this time next week you'll be sleep deprived but have your baby in your arms for definate xxx

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