Depression support thread

Oh god, sweetheart please stop for a moment and think of your babies, you have such a special role to play in.this world, they deserve their mummy in thier lives I know you are feeling so low right now, if you lived nearer me (I'm in Wales) I'd be round yours to help you see things differently how you are feeling right now is just a moment in time and it will not last forever... Things can get better I promise with all my heart, don't do anything today, just think about things and look for the chink of light and grab hold of it, I'm sorry if I sound corny its just I've been where you are now, and I'm so glad I decided to wait, Xxxxx

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Really hope your ok Toon! think of your babies they need you Hun :hugs: xx
toon, seriously woman! im gonna be ur mummy here!! u need a kick up the arse! u have NOTHING to die for and EVERYTHING to live for!

:hugs: we all love you toon!! but i am actually mad at you right now, i am demanding you seriously go to ur GP tomorrow, ur thoughts are not normal and cano be justified, ur state of mind atm needs some help :( i feel really sorry for you for feeling like this but you need to think of ur kids!!! xxx
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Oh Toon lovely, please please just think about your babies - they need their wonderful mummy. I went through this with my husband in February and he ended up in hospital in a serious amount of pain through trying to do this. At that time he couldn't see a way through but he is now on medication that has really helped. It's not quick or painfree honey, believe me. Its really affected my husband and caused him more problems than he had before. I know you can't see a way through now, but you will. Tomorrow is another day.

After losing my son I never thought I would be able to go on but I made it, all because my little girl kept me going. I had to do it for my son, I couldn't of let his existence be a waste. I have my good and bad days sweetie but I know what I stand to lose or more improtantly what my family stand to lose. I took things hour by hour at that time, I know it's not the same but this was a time I felt I couldn't go on.

Please keep talking sweetie :hugs: :hugs:
Just had a look through my medication cupboard after doing some research on successful suicide and I have most of the key pills in there. The most important one being loads of anti emetics to stop me from throwing up after swallowing everything. I think I have enough to kill a horse and plenty of alcohol to wash it down with. If I had a 100% guarantee that it would work and that would be it, I would be ramming them down my neck right now!

Wtf? Toon text me, NOW; I've lost ur number babe, meantime I'm searching my phone xx
Toon don't do it please! If I wasn't still probably over the alcohol limit I'd be driving yo yours now! Seriously hun, your boys need you and I need you too! Text me please! Talking really does help, I was in such a bad way talking to you the other night but it stopped me doing anything bad! Seriously wenchy, I love you to bits! And remember you've just changed meds so they'll be starting to kick in soon xxxx
Toon I'm literally sat in tears knowing you feel like this and I can't do anything to help, you don't need to think like this there is always a way to make things better. You might hate the way things are and you may even hate yourself but your kids love you so much babe and no matter what you think they love you more than anything, you can't do that to them. Please just take a minute to give yourself a mental slap. Go to the drs tomorrow and ask for help, there's nothing to be ashamed of. I wish I could do something to help. I wish you could see what we all see, you're amazing toon, you've just lost your way a little but things will get better xx
Toon please come on here and post, dont makeme drive up there, cos i will, if thats what it takes. You need a break, some time away, book yourself into a hotel (in cardiff preferrably :flower:) and have a holiday. This isnt the way to make things better. How would your OH ever be able to explain it all to your boys. We love you so much xxxx
Thanks ladies. I'm so sorry to have made you worry. Had a few hours sleep still feel shit but not as irrational xx
Don't know what else to say Toon :hugs:

Is there anyone you can talk to? Someone you can ring? Someone that can be with you today, through the night? x
Glad you're feeling less irrational honey, have you just changed your meds then? I don't even know you only from here and I think you're fab :) You know I can relate to how you feel, I've been in similar situations so many times. Its sooooo hard I know, but you need to keep telling yourself that this will pass, yes it might come back, but grab onto the good times for dear life. And your boys they need you, you're a great mum. Dunno if you've OD'd before but you know yourself, not worth it, even if you don't tell someone, the likelyhood is that you'll end up in A and E feeling worse than you did before!

Much love sweetheart!!!!!!

x x x x
Hello everyone, so sorry to entrude on your forum - which I can see is a great support to many people! If any of you could spare a few moments to check out my PND Support survey within the 'Research&Media' forum I would be very thankful! Online forums such as this one seem to provide an important resource for many mothers, but have been largely unexplored in PND research. I am conducting my Masers Dissertation on PND support forums, and would love to hear about your views and experiences. Thank you!!!!!! xxLouise
Hey chick, not too bad today. I feel like I got alot out of my system over the weekend and now I'm focusing in moving house xx
Glad ur focusing on something else. If u feel like that again please make sure u get hold f someone to come to u as soon as possible so you aren't alone x
^^WSS, one of us is always on the forum my lovely so you know you can speak to us, we are all here for you :hugs: xxxxxxx
Thanks chickadee's, your all amazing and I love u all long time :love: xx
Really glad you're feeling more yourself Toonlass xx

I'm not coping at all today :(

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