December 2020 mums

Near threw up mid dinner today. Had to stop half way through my roast dinner as I was getting really queasy lol. All good here still positives on tests (boredom testing as hubby wont discuss pregnancy stuff til its real and we have a scan). Started making a blanket in shades of green
How are we all getting on?
This part really does dragggggg
aww gosh I feel you!

woke up this morning felt super sick took my folic acid etc and did the dishes and kept wretching while doing them not actually been sick yet though I feel like crap and yep I wish I was able to be back in work because my god these weeks are dragging so bad.

hows you x
Worked off my feet lol. I sell fabric and ppl are boredom buying more than usual so I'm having to work more than usual.
So far so good today I'm not feeling too bad. Just start feeling a bit queasy as I'm eating things.
I opened up my business a week before lockdown commenced but its aesthetics so i had to shut straight away and restaurant I work in had to shut so I'm bored at home I got a delivery job for 3 nights a week to keep me busy x
I opened up my business a week before lockdown commenced but its aesthetics so i had to shut straight away and restaurant I work in had to shut so I'm bored at home I got a delivery job for 3 nights a week to keep me busy x
I honestly don't know what I'd do if I didnt work so much haha
these days are dragging so bad esp knowing I have another scan on the 12th may
Days are definitely dragging.

I’ve got thrush (I’m prone to it) haven’t had it since being pregnant with X and it was bad then, had the internal and external cream last night and it’s still bad today :(

Other then that and the bloat still no symptoms, hurrah! I’ve been finishing little art projects that I started a while ago, so we do footprints on canvas’ to look like butterflies each year with the girls, little fairy and elf doors (we don’t have a naughty Christmas elf, we have good elves that watch and hide very well) and then personalised bow holders too!
I also have a box that I need to wood burn for X’s Christmas Eve box, quite a list!

What hobbies do you have to keep you entertained? I had a go at crochet, @BevG, when having X,I’m not very good though ha
I adore crochet. Bellacoco on youtube is a good teacher.
I sew and I crochet. I love reading too and sometimes painting it drawing if I've got time but that's super rare.

Ooh I'm a fan of those diamond paintings too they're fun to do
Hey lovelies, sorry to hear you've been feeling sick girls.

I haven't really had many symptoms bar missed period, and some cramping and growing pains on back and stomach and being super tired...I think I'm over analysing every little twinge though!!

I've been asked back to work ( was furloughed at the start of April) so been working at home this last week. I've been having to take a little break on the sofa each day for 40 mins....oops.
I do make up alot for hobby but want to find something else to do might do the diamond paintings x
Haha I don’t blame you Peroni, don’t know what it is about being pregnant but I just want to be horizontal all the time ha

Not tried those diamond pictures, they look like I’d get stuck or get fluff all over it and drop the diamonds everywhere, such a cluts

I’ve also started my bullet journal for baby No.3, felt bad I hadn’t done one when the other two have one
oooh I want to do a pregnancy journal I used to do bullet journaling but I never kept on top of it going to buy a filo fax and some inserts off etsy.

I had a craving for chicken Chow mein last night so I ordered one at half 10 so satisfying to eat x
I ordered one lol.

I feel ok today bet that doesnt last long hahaha hows everyone today x
spoke to soon I got up to make food had my food now I feel like crap hahah I need to go food shopping aswell x
Hi guys so I decided to browse the internet and see what other crazy people have decided to be due in dec 2020 and also I can’t tell me family as in isolation and just wouldn’t be fair as I would want to give them a massive cuddle! Am 7 weeks today and my first pregnancy so a little scary! The last week I have had the worse headaches it’s been pretty horrible but I’m stuggling being at home all day so that don’t help also the first day of week 7 today and I’m am sick three times so far but I think I feel ok in myself which is werid! Oh no I wonder how long it will last I was praying I didn’t get any sickness but compare to the headaches last week so far I don’t think I mind!
Hi KaL, when’s your due date? I was being sick in my last pregnancy up until 18weeks, it was awful.
If you’re feeling well in yourself that’s good though.

I felt ok until started to get a headache so come to bed for a lie down whilst X has a nap, I was doing my calendar in my journal.

Can we be close to having our 12 week scan now please? Thank you
Hi KaL nice to have you on board.

awww god I have another 11 days until my next scan I'm going crazy next job on my list is to get everything else ordered for my business ready to open up. bojo will hopefully shed some light on what's happening next so fingers crossed we have some kind of plan ahead deffo cant see anything being relaxed come next thursday though but I wouldn't expect him to either.

tomorrow I'm going to go through everything in the spare room get oh to put stuff up into the attic get this cladding shifted and sell my old make up desk to make a smaller one otherwise poor baby wont have a bedroom xx
Hi KaL, when’s your due date? I was being sick in my last pregnancy up until 18weeks, it was awful.
If you’re feeling well in yourself that’s good though.

I felt ok until started to get a headache so come to bed for a lie down whilst X has a nap, I was doing my calendar in my journal.

Can we be close to having our 12 week scan now please? Thank you

hey I’m due the 18th dec, I thought I felt ok but have been sick like 5 more times tried to eat some crackers but regret that I’m only 7 weeks but am defo feeling it! Oh no I hope I only get it for a short time! I had really bad headaches last week it was horrible!! have you found any good cures?

How many weeks are you?

I haven’t had any scans ect not even bloods my doctors where a little shocking but have a phone call with midwife on the 7th and bloods 11th.

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