*****December 2015 Mummies*****


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2011
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Just thought I'd say hello. I got my bfp Monday at 13dpo. By lmp I'm 4+3 but by ovulation date I'm 4+1. Currently on holiday in Egypt and so glad I bought some ic with me as I'd be going crazy waiting for AF to arrive. Still can't wait to come home in 9 days and poas digital which I've ordered on amazon so should be waiting for me when I get home. I have a ds aged 3 already.
Have been feeling pretty nauseas since getting bfp and feeling pulling/stretching down below. So excited by ovulation date I'm due 1st Dec but by lmp 29th Nov

******************DECEMBER MUMMIES***********************

1ST - Kirstieplus1 DeeDeeAbi
2ND -
3RD -
4TH - Becky1
5TH - WishingHoping
6TH -
7TH -
8TH - Pinklady2
9TH - Mum2Many
10TH -
11TH -
12TH -
13TH -
14TH -
15TH -
16TH -
17TH - mel0013 monkey1988
18TH -
19TH -
20TH -
21ST -
22ND -
23RD - Nottmlaydee
24TH -
25TH - Asd1 MrsWarren
26TH - sc71
27TH -
28TH - lisa1985
29TH -
30TH - MelissaSian Purple83
31ST -
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I'm here! Had a scan today that showed at least one baby at 3 weeks... I think that puts my EDD at 9th December...

I'm feeling super sick and emotional.

Can't wait to share this journey with other Dec mums!
Wow December mummies already. Congratulations and hope you have a happy and healthy 9 months
I'm here! Had a scan today that showed at least one baby at 3 weeks... I think that puts my EDD at 9th December...

I'm feeling super sick and emotional.

Can't wait to share this journey with other Dec mums!

Wow you found out really early the. Was that as a result of fertility treatment or something. Congratulations x
No hun. Not even taking any postnatal vitamins! I, personally, reckon there's a good chance of multiples... But I guess I'll have to wait and see until my next scan!
I'm so paranoid I have to keep poas. I bought 10 ic with me and I've only got one left to last me another 8 days.
LOL I'm the same. I literally just POAS this last minute. Thankfully still a nice and strong BFP! I'm hoping to order some beta hCG tests today. I'm only 8DPO / 3+1 weeks and feel so, so sick. I can't cope with how sick I feel right now.
Welcome December mummies-to-be! Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months :) xx
December mummies already!!! Feels like I started the October thread yesterday! Wishing you all a happy, healthy 9 months :)
Just popping over from August mummies to say congratulations and pleased to see December thread up and running.. Congratulations all x
Yeay someone's started this thread, I've been loitering since Sunday when I got my bfp at just 3 weeks! Xx
Yay! So when is everyone due? I'm pretty sure my EDD is 9th December according to FF... Gut feeling says boy this time around (actually gut feeling says maybe more than one but we'll cross that bridge if we come to it!)...

Becky1, how dark was your test? I tested yesterday at 7DPO and it was so dark I was convinced I was further along than I am, but scan confirmed only 3 weeks gone. I've never had a strong positive this early before. I did have a faint BFP at 7DPO in my last pregnancy but that was twins and it was so faint I could barely even see it....
My test was a really good line for 10dpo then I got 1-2week on digi at 12dpo. I know when I ov'd so i know I'm no further along. Have you got another scan booked to see if it's twins?

My EDD is 6th Dec but I've not got a great feeling about this pregnancy, last 3 days I've had brown spotting and af type cramps. I told hubby not to get too excited.

:( I hope you're wrong. I had the same thing in a few of my pregnancies, sadly it's so hard to know whether it'll all be OK or whether it won't.

I'm supposed to go back for another scan in 13 days... I might wait an extra week if I can because I'll only just be 5 weeks by that stage and don't want to leave the scan with more questions than answers again! LOL I'm sure of my dates too... I'm just praying that the strong BFPs and the view on the scan doesn't indicate a molar pregnancy or something. I want to see healthy heartbeat/s when I go next so think I'll wait longer.
Hopefully me but I don't want to announce it just yet until I get my reasurance scan done in a couple of weeks!!

Hold my spot & keep your fingers crossed!!

Fingers crossed for you, hopefully your reassurance scan goes well xx
You'll be fine hun. I'm only classing myself as a 'hopeful' at this stage anyway. When do you think you'll get a scan?

We're looking at paying for one but prob not until about 8 weeks - seems so far away! x
I have the doctor a week today in the morning so hopefully after that they will refer me not long after. If not we will pay for one.

It will fly by hun I keep forgetting im pregnant to be honest (not in a bad way but because last time I was in pain straight away & thought about it constantly plus I worried 24/7) this time I feel a lot better as I know I can't change what happens & it just happens... What will be will be hey?!


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