****December 2014 Mums-to-be! Christmas Babies!!****

Goat I'm good love , just hanging in there.. Lots of getting used to with blending both families ..thank God we are all getting along. I wish I was off work as well...But will try n work until ending of October that's the goal for more time when baby is here.. I'm tired and winded most of the time and up again since 2 am this morning till now can't get bk to sleep.. I'm sure with your little one waking early and you having to look after her must be trying as well...otherwise I'm gal you are well :)

Nikb thank you love .. Hope you r well too.. Was soo happy to receive my surprise as well..=D looks like our tri 3 is coming along nicely..so exciting yet scary at the same time.
Hey ladies! I'm due in here on Sunday so going to start transitioning now! It's so exciting being in tri 3, at the end of this tri we finally get to meet our babas! X
Makeme, it is tiring but at least at home I can nap when she does. I hope you're not too tired today! Glad you're doing well too!

Sara, not long at all now! So exciting! X
Just had my 28 week growth scan, blood tests and consultant check. All is measuring well and healthy! Baby is breech but there is plenty of time for it to move! Estimated weight is 2.7lbs, so she's doing well!

I'm on the bus and there's tons of traffic and I'm hungry and hot!

Can't wait for more Dec mummies to move over here!!
Awhh thats lovely news goat, thats a really good weight too!

Our growth scan is next week so it'll be interesting to see how our bubbas compare x
Great news Goat! I'll be over next Saturday officially but remember we all moved early to tri 2 thread xx
Great news on baba Goat!! Hope u finally fed your hunger :) it's a hot day here too.. At my last appoint 25 weeks they checked baby's heart beat and measured my tummy got me in for glucose test n blood work all is fine and normal my next appointment is on sept 15th when I'll be 29 weeks and 1 day.. Dr said I will not be having anymore scans which I'm a little disappointed about .. :( , so was very glad when friends got private 3D/4D scan as part of bday pressie.. I assumed I'd at least get a growth scan.. Sigh.. As long as everything is well with baby.. I'm a happy mama
Its tricky isnt it...you want to be in good health and pass all tests with flying colours but at the same tiem you want the extra scans! But glad everything is going well and lovely 3d scans...
Glad to see you december mummies in tri 3 being the end of november (25th) i closer to gestation to you guys than alot of november mummies...so just wanted to say hi.
Thanks ladies! Sara, will be great to hear how your scan goes!

Makeme, yesterday she told me it wasn't worth scanning me post 32 weeks as it'd be hard to see an accurate picture of how healthy the baby and placenta are. It kind of annoyed me as in my last pregnancy, it was all going swimmingly until I got 35 weeks then it all went downhill. So the constant monitoring now is a little pointless if they don't do it when I'll actually be so worried! So they agreed to scan at 36 weeks.

Applecrumb, I'm due the 27th so were really close! I was originally due 6th Dec but just stayed here when they changed my dates. Feel free to chat away with us!!
Hello everyone! We have finally made it into the Tri 3 section! Crazy! I'm officially here on Sunday, but what's a couple days! How are people feeling??
Yay!! So excited about more people coming over!

I'm feeling ok, exhausted as my daughter has been like a wild bull today, non stop terrorising! How is everyone else?xx
Hello All!!!! 27 weeks today!!!
Glad to say I don't feel it yet! Xxxxx
I've arrived, woohoo! Didn't think this would ever happen after my mc last year but here I am! In celebration, baby woke me up by going nuts in there!!
So thats me officially here now too.. eeeekkk!! X
So exciting. I'll be officially in next weekend :)
I'm really confused as to when to count tri 3 from. My day by day pregnancy book counts you as tri three from 25+1 as you are therefore in your 26th week. My week by week book counts it from 26+1 so at the start of your27th week. But you all seem to be counting from 27 weeks and thus the start of your 28th week? X

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