Cycle 1 with Ovusense.

Well I've used ovusense for two consecutive days and I think I prefer to just temp with a thermometer.. I've been doing both and I find the gadget is a little difficult to remove then you have to use the little landing pad to sync the data. I find it easier to temp and plug data into FF.. Not giving up on it yet though I'm too curious.

I'm not holding out much hope as he was away when I ovulated.
How you feeling today charlotte??
Kitana what dpo were you when your temp dipped??

Aw salley I got used to mine after a while and just forgot it was there 2bh xx
I am ok. Temp not doing much. I am not really paying attention tho when I download. I have been googling everything a lot of people swear by inositol so going to start that next cycle aswell lol!

Keep your fingers crossed Lau :)

Aw Salley you will get there :):) I struggled the first night I slept with my legs shut lol! Xx
Glad you're ok...I'm terrible when it comes to looking on Google...I've even been looking on Google images of other people's charts! I've never heard of inositol. What is it? Xx
Thank you :) will defo be rattling next cycle but I am determined to ovulate lol!

I google everything. Think I live on it :) if you google (lol) inositol and pcos you should get some stuff up. I haven't been diagnosed with pcos but will hopefully help o. It's a powder off Amazon. Xx


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Thanks hun I will have a look tonight when I go home!

I've got brown spotting? Never had this at this time in my cycle...I've read it could be implantation spotting? Xx
Ooo that's exciting Lau. Really hope it's a BFP for you :):) xx

Thanks girls...had a tiny bit more again's weird lol amazing what you notice when it's not normal for you.
How you both feeling? Chart looking good salley, how's yours charlotte? Xx
Love the chart Salley :)

Ooooo so excited for you Lau!!

Mines boring lmao! Roll on AF haha. Never said that before :) next time I test will be New Years Day! Fingers and toes crossed for next month :):) xx


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I'm scared lol...I have shiny cm...I got everything crossed for you!
I haven't used the ovusense because of the spotting.

Is it a lot spotting? They say no to use with period coz of infection control so if your washing properly you could use when spotting xx
Hardly anything tbh...less than the size of 2p and I had it twice...nothing today...I'll use it again tonight xx
I hate waiting. Wait to ovulate, wait to test, wait for AF. Sigh. I need to poas more often too.
I don't test early. I used to before but haven't for a long time because I got fed up of seeing BFNs. I only ever test if af is late xxx
I used to poas just about everyday lol! I don't anymore. Just like you Lau, I get sick of seeing BFN.

Haha yes Salley, just waiting for everything :( xx
Hey how you both today?? I've got no symptoms! I was looking on Google and see ovulation spotting and normally my cycles r really long which makes me wonder if that's what I had? I don't know soon
Well I am so confused. Supposedly I have ovulated on cd 22 I am due on cd28. I have no idea what's happening. I am completely out as we haven't BD for ages due to OH being poorly and I know I am due on in 3 days as I can already feel the usual AF things. So that's a leutal phase of 6 days. Argghhhh help me please xx


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