The great sperm race!


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2010
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Hello everyone,

Just thought i would put a post up about 'The great sperm race'.
I know alot of you ladies have already posted about it in the past but i have never got round to actually watching it until today.

I just watched it on Youtube and i couldnt believe how fasinating i found it.
I always knew it wasnt an easy thing when ttc but when you see the actual journey of the sperm and all the barriers it has to get through in the female body it becomes more obvious of why it is such a miracle and why the timing is so crucial.

For all you ladies that havent seen it yet and are interested in things like this i would totally suggest watching it.
I am not one that finds sitting through a programme easy, I always get distracted lol, But with this i was glued to it.
I am also debating on watching it again later. (how sad of me he he).

If you watch it i hope you all enjoy it .

Amy xxx :)
hey hun, i watched this when i wasnt TTC at t was origonally on C4 a few years ago but wasnt TTC at the time, watched it again last month and its truely AMAZING what those little guys have to get through :shock:
Yeah it defo is so truely amazing, Them poor little buggers do go through a lot dont they lol. xx
:wave: Yep, watched it on 4od a few months back, when we first started ttc.
I agree, what a miracle it is!
I was very naive and thought it would be so easy!!
Hey x

I know its like we take it for granted that its just going to happen at the drop of a hat lol. Well i got that sadly wrong lol. xx
Thanks for the reminder of this, OH is away so I might watch it later! x
Thanks so much for this, just watched it with my husband, brilliant show! I think it's finally made my husband realise why timing is so important lol. But more than that, it's really grounded me in our TTC journey. I've realised how difficult it is and what a miracle it is to create a human life, and I've only had 3 shots at it so far, so I'm feeling more content in everything!
Oooooo I'll have to watch that. Bought a cheapo copy of In The Womb off of eBay. Watching it now whilst polishing some chocs from Xmas. I know it was made a few years back but it was really well done. All I can is bring on Ov and BD time. Will have to force Dh to watch it maybe after bfp loooool
ooohhh just watched it on 4OD... blimey! Its like something out of a call of duty videogame! Talk about a battlefield!
Hey all i was suprised at how many replies i have lol.

I am glad you ladies watched it, I havent watched it with OH yet as he is still at work but i have told him how brilliant it is and he is going to watch it aswell. It even amazes me more when people get preg straight away lol. Wow....... Theirtiming must be super good lol...... Amy xxx
I watched it a couple of hours ago. It was really interesting. :)
Hey there i think alot of people will defo find it interesting, Im looking forward to my OH watching it :)..... Amy x

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