Cycle 1 with Ovusense.

Ok I've got OvuSense set up. Had to use OH's iPad to sync the sensor but I have access to my dashboard on my android. Good thing you can log on to the app from any device. I'm CD10 and will see what this gadget is all about starting tonight. Fx
Good luck! According to mine I ovulated cd11 so I'm currently 5dpo xx
Good luck Salley :) bet you excited to start. How was your first night?

5dpo Lau - you have any symptoms? Could you add your chart so we can be nosey?

I have had to small rises together which is getting me excited. Hope it doesn't drop tomorrow and keeps going up. Xx


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Yea sure...I put my temps into FF also and got this on my chart so I'm guessing ovusense was right!
Just cramping in my right side and I've got ewcm 2day...hubby has gone away again today and won't be back until Friday :(.
Here's my charts xx



I spent all that time setting it up and fell asleep without putting it in. lol I'll start tonight. Did take my temp this morning for FF though.
Ohh no! Leave it by the side of ur bed that way you won't forget xx
Thanks Lau. I like looking at charts :)

Oh no Salley. I took my mouse under my pillow when I get ready for bed so when I get in and ready for sleep I can just reach for it and pop it in xx
It's ok I just hope it stays up!!
How you feeling? Have u done anymore opks? Xx
I hope so too sweety.

I am alright thanks. No not done anymore. Kinda given up this month xx
Nooo don't give up! It will happen! Either you have missed the surge or its just a bit delayed xx
It's CD18 of a 28 day cycle and no ovulation. It's okies, just want AF to come now so I can concentrate on the next one and pray for ovulation. I am still using my sensor until AF tho :) xx
Hia if I have a 14day lp it will be around the 2nd Dec...if not then I ain't got a clue but I will test then as I'm going out on the 3rd...mine dropped slightly today aswell.

Have you had any tests or any investigations done??

I have been but they refused to do anything until I had been off contraceptive a year which was Oct. me and OH both promised if nothing has happened we will be going Jan. At least I will have 2 cycles worth of data then.

Oo can't wait Lau. Hope it stays above the cover line xx
It has stayed above the cover line...soon see what happens over the next few days.

Yea get xmas over with and then go and see them. I've known from a young age that I have pcos so always knew there was a chance I'd have a problem conceiving xx


Morning...massive temp drop today, wayyy below the covering! Don't know if that's good or bad 2bh xx
I had a massive dip a couple of days after ovulation the month I got pregnant. Like Cockermum said, it could be implantation dip! I still have the graph. Weirdly my temp started to lower thinking I was going to get my af!
Fx to you gals!! :hug:


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