Cramping - Am I pregnant?


May 8, 2011
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Hi everyone,
I have searched high and low for why I might be cramping 3 days after I had unprotected sex. It has been a couple of weeks now and ever since I had unprotected sex with my bf I have been experiencing on and off cramps in my lower abdomen similar to period cramps but not as severe. I have also been having extremely dizzy spells.
I am due on my period this Wednesday.
However I have taken 2 tests so far and both have come up negative, I am tired of waiting and anxious to know if there is a possibility that I am pregnant and if I took the test too early and there isn't enough HCG in my body yet?
I am really really confused as I have never experienced cramping untill the day I come on my period or a few days BEFORE my period, NEVER WEEKS before my period. I can't stop thinking about it. Help is appreciated.
I had bad cramps around 5 weeks pregnant. And a little before that.
You could be pregnant! See if your period comes and if not, do a test. If you do end up getting a period, probably best to go to the doctor about the cramps. As it wouldn't be normal!

Good luck, I hope you get your bfp soon xxx
Test on wednesday if negative go to gp as could be an infection maybe?
hello emmaclaire i am experiencing the same thing and af is due Wednesday, i have the same symptoms cramps dizzy(headaches) but am also sleeping alot and a few times have felt sick after eating... taking the test on friday as it gives a few days delays n the test then should be the really result :)

good luck :) x
Test on wednesday if negative go to gp as could be an infection maybe?

I agree with this. Test and if negative go see the doc anyway.

I'm not even talking about STI's (though I'm sure the doc may check for this too). For example it's possible to get internal thrush which gave me very similar symptoms. I was on hormone contraception for years and I think it gave me an imbalance down below so would occasionally get thrush. Since coming off contraception I've had a much better time.

It's most likely something and nothing but getting checked out just to be sure.
I'm so glad I'm not the only one!
Good luck to you too :)
I forgot to mention that I have felt nauseous after eating but then it's gone away shortly after. x
Thankyou very much for your info. I also worried about some kind of infection too god forbid :/ it's either something like that or preg I'm hoping it's the latter! lol xx I will definitely go to the doctors about this if I come on my period. x
Hi ladies

This is very strange as I too am experiencing the exact same thing!!! I am unsure of when AF is due exactly but it should be around Thurs/Fri next week.

TMI but I am also suffering with diorrhea once a day!! Very bizarre!!

FX it is good news for all of us!! xx

:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
i am sooo nervous for friday :s well if am not pregnant with all the symptoms i am getting then god knws wts going on with my body.. good luck 2 u al girlies :)

i have noticed few more symptoms:
Montgomery glands look whiter and more obvious
constipation this past few days and discharge sorry tmi which i keep thinking oh af is in but she isnt :)
and more sickens 2day like after anything i eat.

any1 else getting anymore symptoms?

Morning ladies.

I couldn't sleep last night at all (no idea if that is a symptom!!).

Went to bed feeling sick and also feel sick now!! It's a bizarre feeling!!

I really hope it's not my body playing tricks on me!!

I'm going to test on Fri too if AF doesn't show!! xx
Good morning!

feel that my body is playing tricks on me too :( we shall c on friday that is if af hasnt shown her horrid face.
4 days to go grrrr its too long am soo impatient.
I know it is rubbish!!

I am also very impatient!! My cycles are really long too which doesn't help!!

I am going to really try to not think about it (yeah right!!!). Got a busy week so that should help!!

Also got cheap PG tests at home so I know i'll be POAS before Friday!!!! xx
Thanks for you all for all your advice :) I hope I am pregnant, but I'm a little worried about the lack of symptoms I have had? Should I be getting symptoms round about now? xx
Not everyone gets symptoms at first. How many times do you hear of people not knowing that they're pregnant for months?

We're just all looking for every single little thing on here because we're all hoping!:pray:

Guess lots of us will know by the weekend! FX ladies!

My period is due tommorow, but after my tea tonight I had VERY strong nausea, and I went to the toilet thinking I'd come on but there was loadsss of white discharge there :/ this is the first time Iv'e had such strong nausea a day before my period it's so odd. x
Hope its good news for you emmaclaire!
i feel like af will show her face any time nw :( but not actually sure wt day my af is due its ether 2day or 2moz and i am so fed up :(
i am taking the test 2moz so will shall c, i just cant wait till friday.
wn r u taking the test?
well I haven't had a period yet, so I just couldn't resist testing I know it's only morning and period will probably come later but I took a tesco test and it came back negative so don't think I am.
Will update later if I do come on, I guess if I don't I will be very confused lol
Today I still havn't come on my period and have lower back pain and have just started crying for no reason at all really really confused right now :(
aww thats poo emmaclaire :(
well i still dont have a period and i have had 2 bfn so i am very confused :s also my symptoms have stopped so nw just waiting 4 aunt flow to show her face wn ever she decides :(

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