Am I pregnant?!


Mar 8, 2011
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I came off the pill about 2 months ago and about 2-3 weeks ago started to think that I may be pregnant but last week I had my period it was very light n only lasted 3-4 days now this week I feel so bloated which I never am n have a few pains n the odd dizzy spells during the day!! I am so convinced I am pregnant but then I think I may be making it all up!! I have done 2 tests , 1 before period n 1 after but both neg!! I am now wondering whether it may have been spotting and not my period!! Please someone help?! Am I going mad lol!!:wall2:
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Hiya :wave: Welcome to the forums. :)

Some people experience PG symptoms when they come off the pill but then some people fall preg straight away!

I know that's not really any help but you're not alone hun, I think the only thing you can do is wait it out a bit, or at least another couple of weeks before testing again.

Are your cycles normally regular?

x x
Well I have been on the pill for about 10 years but before this I only had about 2 periods a year or so!! So I was very shocked when I did start to come on but it was very different to a normal period and similar to things I have read on spotting!! I will wait a week or so n if I get any other symptoms will do a test!! Thanks for ur help will keep u updated xx
In that case I would definitely wait. Your body might need a period of time to adjust to working without the pill - lots of ladies get pg symtoms. Hope it is a BFP for you though. :) x x
I came off the pill in November and thought I was pg straight away, major bloating, sore boobs, nausea. The Nurse at Drs said the pill usually comes out of your system within 3-4 weeks (not the myth as usual that says its take 6 months!). Anyhoo, I had a period in the end, heavy and horrid. :( FX for you though x
Ok so I still don't no whether I am pregnant, for the last few days I have had light pink CM and still major bloating!! am planning to do another test this week!! I am thinking I would be 3 weeks pregnant today will the test work?! Or should I wait a bit longer!! Xx
The test should work but some people find it seems to take time to show... when was the last time you took a test?

Sorry for late reply!! I did a test on the 15th which would be 22dpo but it was bfn :( but it was a morrisons own brand so not sure how accurate they are!! For the past few days have had a few pains and cramps from my belly button downwards and mild back pain just wondering if this is round ligament pain as apparently this can start quite early on!! I also had a spot of blood after intercourse which has never happened before!! I'm hoping to test again next week trying to leave it as long as possible!! I would be around 6 weeks next week so hoping maybe I might start to get some morning sickness!! Xxx.

Also my boobs are not majorly sore but seem to get slightly bigger and more painful in the evenings and the veins become more visible, is this normal for this to happen just in the evening!! Xx
same happen to me probably the pill. don't let your head take over! if you haven't had a positive your not pregnant.x

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