Could I be experiencing implantation cramping?


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2011
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Hey guys,

I am new here, so hello to all :)

For the past few days I have been experiencing some dull cramping in my lower abdomen, feels like mild period pains. It also feels like I got that 'butterflies in tummy' feeling.

My last period started on the 21st October and I have a 28 day cycle.

I've never experienced this type of cramping 10 days before my period (I normally have the usual cramping 2-3 days prior)

Is this implantation cramping?
Hey guys,

I am new here, so hello to all :)

For the past few days I have been experiencing some dull cramping in my lower abdomen, feels like mild period pains. It also feels like I got that 'butterflies in tummy' feeling.

My last period started on the 21st October and I have a 28 day cycle.

I've never experienced this type of cramping 10 days before my period (I normally have the usual cramping 2-3 days prior)

Is this implantation cramping?

Hi Annie, my last period also started on 21st Oct, my ovation day was day 12, and I have a consistent 28 day cycle the next day after ov I had very sharp cramping which has now lessened to a dull cramp on and off, I really hope its implantation, fingers crossed it is for you too, keep me posted how you get on next week xo
My cramps are more of a dull ache too which are quite consistent throughout the day (almost feels like it's a tummy ache)

When would be the earliest to take a test?
I've took a few tests, my advice is wait as long as u possibly can x. I know its really hard, o can't even follow my own advice, at for me is due on 17th so I'm gona try not to test until 13th or 14th
Well I thought my cramps had gone this morning but was struck with them again this afternoon. They're quite uncomfortable this time, also felt a bit nauseous at work. Hurry up next week!!
Hi Annie I'm so uncomfortable today, I have a really dull and painful ache in my lower back and right hip, hurts to sit up do I'm lying down, not sure if the back ache is causing the cramps, hang in there we can keep eachother company through the next week, I might try a first response test on Sunday apparently they can pick up a positive reading 6 days before af is due, I'm keeping my clearblue digital one til I het a positive whenever that may be!!
Hi girls, if your ovulation dates were a bit off, the cramps could be ov cramps. They can be very similar to af cramps, but happen around the time an egg is released. Hope you get the answers you want! xx

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