Countdown... Lil Lady is 6 days late!!

I had really bad pains 2 days before I went into labour - felt like she was trying to work her way out :shock: I thought it was the start of labour....but no, she kept me waiting, there is no mistaking when it is really happening though....fingers crossed she's prompt for you hun!!!

I am sooooooo excited.......this is one very much awaited baby!!

I probably missed something somewhere....but have you a name picked out for her yet??
U never know she may arrive on her due date cos I did :D

We're gunna decide on her name when shes born, we like Evie, Ellie, Neive and a few others but gunna wait n see what she looks like.
happy_chick said:
U never know she may arrive on her due date cos I did :D

We're gunna decide on her name when shes born, we like Evie, Ellie, Neive and a few others but gunna wait n see what she looks like.

Best do that.... We'd decided on Raven for Tia... but when she popped out she was just sooooo fair, Raven just didn't suit her at all.
Clary Sage Oil is something else you could try. My sister used it before she went into labour last year as a last resort.
39 weeks 4 days

Nothing to report really, lots of pains as usual but nothing regular :evil:

Seeing consultant at hosp tomorrow so will find out if shes turned :pray: got some more laps around the front room on my hands and knees to do 2nite!

Feet are so swollen its unreal, had then elevated most of the day and cant believe how swollen they are! Gunna sit with em in a bowl of cold water see if i can take the swelling down, they are tingling they are that swollen :shock: minging!!
what are you seeing the consultant for??
is it just like visiting the midwife???? :think:
Kimbo said:
what are you seeing the consultant for??
is it just like visiting the midwife???? :think:

U normally see the consultant if u go over to discuss induction so I had an appointment for 15th but cos of my SPD going loads worse and feeling depressed my MW brought my appointment forward to discuss the option of early induction although she doesnt think they will until T+10.

I dont have another MW appointment now so presume they will do all the checks that MW do up at hospital from now.
Here's hoping she decides tonight is the night :hug:

I'm sending you lots of labour vibes :hug: :hug:
OH has just massaged my feet with peppermint foot cream- bliss :D

Hope tonight is the night for you! :hug:
I have a weird feeling tomorrow may be your day :think: good luck and MM or Skairdy - as its donation night tomorrow could someone text if there's any news :D
suppose its 2 days to go now ! hope she's not online cos she's getting some sleep before the big event !
Please don't come here today Happy Chick... be in hospital hatching a baby :pray: :pray: :pray:
Sorry ladies im still here, in loads of pain SPD has flared up AGAIN :cry: so not had a good night at all. Seeing consultant today at 11am so wish me luck... Will update when I get back :D
good luck..
if they wont give you a sweep then do it yourself :twisted: :twisted:
Kimbo said:
good luck..
if they wont give you a sweep then do it yourself :twisted: :twisted:

I've been trying to do that.. It's not as easy as it sounds... :think: Specially when your pelvis feels like its cracking open..
libs said:
I have a weird feeling tomorrow may be your day :think: good luck and MM or Skairdy - as its donation night tomorrow could someone text if there's any news :D

Will do :D

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