Could it be the beginning of labour?

I am sending hugs to everyone!!!!

I gave up totally on hopes until I can feel the first contraction!!!! I do not know if it was a show today or not as I had a massive strip of snorty like discharge, fell into my trousers there was so much when I wiped ( really sorry for TMI) and it was brown with blood!!!! Now yesterday the doctor told me it was only heavy discharge so because I had a sweep yesterday and she made me bled, it could only be a massive discharge, I do not know. I have asked my GP this morning and her answer did not help me as she said she did not know, it is always nice to know you can rely on professionals for help and advice!!!!

I still have some tummy pains and my bits are hurting now as the doctor was not gentle at all when doing the sweep. If I start complaining about the little pain I am feling, what is it going to be like when a whole baby and maybe forceps will have gone that way lol I am such a wimp :wink:

My OH has been lovely today, did the cleaning for me as i feel shattered today!!! Woke up at 10 but feel so tired!!!! I am going to wrap the presents this afternoon, nice way of keeping busy!!!

If any progression, please post as we are so close to each other now!!!! It could happen any time for any of us!!! Good luck!!!
best of luck zo75 and futuremum

hope something happens for you soon!

how would you feel about giving birth over xmas tho? would that make or break your xmas day?
It would not break my christmas day but do not fancy staying at the hospital for Christmas. the maternity is very sterile, nothing that makes it look like babies are born. I would rather be in front of the tree breastfeeding him :)
I'm 9 days over - baby obviously feeling a bit shy!!! Due to be induced on the 28th, have resigned myself to fact that baby will have to be convinced to make a move. But will probably wait till I sit down to eat my christmas dinner!!!

Futuremum, I had a sweep too, not the most pleasant of things. Apparently I am soft and thin in the old cervix but I have not had a show or anything. Think cervix must be made of steel, apparently baby is really low and midwife could feel head but nothing seems to be moving. Am really uncomfortable, low baby does not help with SPD and my back is so sore. Howeevr I am determined to enjoy christmas, I was so sure baby would be here as I was told I would be induced 10 days over and was disappointed at first but have now started to think about how horrible it would be to be in hospital over Christmas as I was due to be in a local midwife unit but instead would have to go to a hospital 40 mins drive away and I don't want to be away from family that day. I hope everyone has a good christmas and I look forward to hearing about the new arivals very soon. xxxx
Just had a jolly good long walk along beach, followed by small glass of red wine and Green Thai Curry. Off to shops to buy a bag of prunes to chomp while watching Desperate Housewives in bed!!!!!
I'm fed up and would give away all my pressies to have this baby in my arms on Christmas day!!!!
I've got my fingers crossed for everyone waiting for the BIG contractions!
have a wonderful Xmas... :lol:
Emilia xx
futuremum said:
Well my discharge has changed from being watery to kind of solid/jelly now it is like snort/jelly like so I have not got a clue if I am losing my plug bits by bits or normal discharge as there is no colour in it at all!!!

Due tomorrow and all I have is that type of discharge and some period pain like, nothing else!!!!

Going to hospital at 2.10, hopefully they will tell me something positive !!

I'm getting both of these things and i'm not due for 7weeks! i've been getting period pain and i've been losing the same sort of discharge stuff on and off since monday. The midwife didn't think it was anything but I'm starting to feel a bit worried now :cry:

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