Could it be the beginning of labour?

Sounds positive Amy, from what I have read that could be the very beginning stages of labour.

I wonder if your water infection could have brought on early labour?
if your baby is still back to back then you prob wont get much tummy pain, if its all in your back then id phone your midwife just to check, this might be it for you! :D
To be honest the pain is mainly in my front, but every now and again it starts in my back and goes to my front. When it gets bad it stops me in my tracks, i am going to get a hot curry for tea, go for a bath and get in bed,

Apparently a bath will either bring it on properly or stop it and most labours kick in at night as thats when your body releases the most hormones when you're asleep so if i do it all at once then i might be lucky.

I'm not getting my hopes up though, i haven't had a show, my waters haven't broke either so it could just be back ache.

Ho hum, we will see as the night gets on.

Surely i would be feeling tightenings wouldn't i or does it just start as crampy pain? you wouldn't think i have already had one Lol!!!
And a bit of advice!!!! the more you wish for it, the less it comes lol

Pains have been back from time to time and not for long, I managed going to town today and did late christmas shopping!!!!

I think I am losing my plug bits by bits though, even though there is no blood or pinky colour at all but it is jelly like . Mind you it might not be that at all lol Hopefully at the hospital tomorrow, they will tell me more about it!!!
my discharge isn't in a hardish lump it still looks like snot, it hasn;t gone like jelly but there is more of it.

I don't think it is going to be soon to be honest, just have this horrible feeling :(
Well my discharge has changed from being watery to kind of solid/jelly now it is like snort/jelly like so I have not got a clue if I am losing my plug bits by bits or normal discharge as there is no colour in it at all!!!

Due tomorrow and all I have is that type of discharge and some period pain like, nothing else!!!!

Going to hospital at 2.10, hopefully they will tell me something positive !!
I am not expecting anything now!!!

the more I wish for him to be here b4 christmas, the more disappointed I am going to be

Waiting is horrible!!!
its horrible in one way, but so exciting in another way.

i think this is the best part of pregnancy, waiting to see if this twinge is it, or if tonights the night etc :D
You might change your mind in 3 weeks time :wink:

I was thinking like you 3 weeks ago but when you know it is your due date, and your belly feels like an air balloon they stuck on you, you cannot wait lol

Mind you, i did enjoy my pregnancy a lot, I was lucky so far :)
lol yeah i prob will feel like that then,

I hate the thought that if i go over i could be pregnant for another 5 weeks
lol yes indeed!!! 2 weeks max for me

Right I am off, my MIL is here to take me to the hospital, keep you informed later on!!!
Good luck future mum, hope your news is good news, we have had a few let downs this last few days Lol :lol:
Well, here I am again!!!!

Went to the hospital today and very disappointing!!! Cervix is not opened at all, what I thought was the plug was just heavy discharge!!! She did a sweep and gosh it is not nice at all or she did not know how to do it lol I was bleeding after that but nothing still.

My induction date is the third of January at 5 pm, God this seems so far away!!!

My BP was high so I ended up with blood test plus has to see GP to have it checked again tomorrow and see midwife next week.

So I am giving up now, there will be no nice food for christmas because cannot carry much and have to catch the bus to get to the supermarket, might just have beans on toast (have no freezer) and no baby either :(
Awww bless {{{{hugs}}}}

Make the most of your last few days of long warm baths, daydreaming, snuggling, reading mags etc. That's what I have resigned myself too. Your induction date will soon be here :)

Just think, come January we'll both be mums and comparing pics and labour notes and complaining that we didn't make the most of our last days! Not long to go now :)
oh poor you, there is nothing worse than being told there is no progress when you thought you were on your way!! :roll:

I don't think it would bother me as much if it wasn't christmas, but i think i am getting fed up as i can't enjoy the festivities as much as everyone else.

oh well like they say, it will come when it's ready.
Hello everyone... just clocking in again!
Hubbie and I on 2nd honeymoon in Cape Town - no kiddies! Have walked miles, spiced up the food, rubbed in the clary sage, stimulated nipples, having steamy sessions, hot showers.................. NO RESULT!!!! Have also been taking Cholophullum 200 to open cervix.

Saw the midwife yesterday and she really does believe that this is going to be a Jan baby. I asked about induction, but we've decided against it. I'm desperate to meet my baby, but I'm also too aware of just how awful my inductions were previously. As hard as it is, I'm going to HAVE to accept that this baby will come when it's ready! I go to bed every night hoping that i'm going to go into labour - only to wake up the next morning with dissapointment! We're all the same, aren't we? I continue to have mild period pains and baby pressing down making things uncomfortable. My amniotic fluid has decreased and MW measures baby around 3.8 kg. Must accept things as they are - will just enjoy this time on our own.

I'm thinking of all of you at this festive time. Our waiting game will soon be over! I've realised that my obsession to go into labour sooner rather than later is driving me nuts. It's like everything is hanging on line!
Will be looking out for all your new arrivals - I just know that this little bunny of mine is going to be VERY late now!!!!!
Good luck everyone!
Emilia xxxx
I'll still waiting too, now 6 days overdue, had lots of 'the show' last night then stayed awake till 5am waiting for something to happen which obviously it didn't! my hubby has also taken today to work from home in the hope that something may happen which I htink is only putting more pressure on the little one. We received a text messgae in the night from one of the girls in our NCT group who had her little one in 4 hours! I have to admit I got a bit emotional and had a little cry, felt like such a failure. So silly I know but the hormones are shooting all over the place at the moment. Have had 4 text messages from friends this morning asking if there's news. Adds insult to injury.

I am fed up with being fed up and miserable! where's the happy optimist I used to be?

Oh well consultant tomorrow for my 41 weeks appt.

wish me luck!

Zo x

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