Coping with your due date


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2016
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Just wondering if anyone has hard a really hard time around their original due date? We'd been trying for nearly 3 years when I got pregnant and then lost it at 6/7 weeks, but didn't find out til week 9/10. My due date was last sunday.

I thought I was coping ok but have started having horrific nightmares. Is this normal? Has anyone else had nightmares about the loss around their due date?

Also after 3 months off we are about to start trying again and I think I'm terrified of it happening again. The nurse told me when I found out about the mc that women other 40 have a 40% chance of mc.
I’m so sorry this has happened to you.

I have had two miscarriages and at my first due date (sept) I had a really hard time with it. It’s grief. We all handle it differently. Things get easier as time goes on but little milestones are always hard.
Thank you April! So sorry about your miscarriages. xx
Ah Sunflower xxx HUGS xxx TTC is such a sad story for some ... hope you are feeling a bit better and that the nightmares have stopped xxx
Ah Sunflower xxx HUGS xxx TTC is such a sad story for some ... hope you are feeling a bit better and that the nightmares have stopped xxx
Thanks Kat. They're not as bad. Started TTC again so focusing on that. xxx
I've not reached my due date yet but I've booked a/l so I'm not there especially in my field of work. Not looking forward to that time as I suspect it might take me a couple of steps back in my recovery even if only temporary.
I've not reached my due date yet but I've booked a/l so I'm not there especially in my field of work. Not looking forward to that time as I suspect it might take me a couple of steps back in my recovery even if only temporary.
I was surprised at how hard it hit me. Good idea to take some time off. I guess it's all part of the loss.
Hugs. Those milestones seem set in us forever. Life isn't fair, and grief can be all encompassing. I'm still trying to understand why so many bad things happen to good people.

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