Due date accuracy?


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2011
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I'm just sitting here wondering if sometimes when ladies go over their due date it's because the due date was initially slightly out?

I don't really have a LMP to go by, I got pregnant the same month I had the mirena coil out, however I did have a bit of breakthrough bleeding at that point, which may well have been a period I guess.. and if that date had been used as my LMP my due date would be March 9th, not March 16th (as my 12 week ultrasound dated me)

Do you think that using LMP sometimes dates you further along than you are, possibly due to some women having longer cycles and NOT ovulating 14 days after their LMP? Causing more ladies to go 'overdue'? As I know if there is only a 1-2 week difference in the dates the doctor initially gives you and the dates the ultrasound say, they leave it as the doctors dates.

I'm slightly hoping that March 9th would have been my original due date, so even if I go a week over that, I'm still at the due date I've been going by... thereby not being 'late'!

I'm sorry if this made NO sence lol!
Im pretty sure they arnot 100% accurate which is why they say 2 weeks either side of your due date. Even measurig baby at scan can be inaccurate as some people have smaller/larger babies than others. I cant go by a LMP as i was on the injection for a year then went straight on the pill and fell pregnant so i have no idea when it should have been so have been using the scan as an indicator for when im due x
i was put a week forward by my 12 week scan from the lmp dates so if i go over i will not be impressed that they moved the goal closer and were then wrong lol
They say the early scans give the most accurate dates, according to my LMP I should be due end of Feb x
I also got pregnant just after having mirena taken out litarally a few days after and if I went by my own dates I wouldn't be due untill the 11th they gave me the 3rd so its looking like my dates more accurate at the moment :)
I have even heard that in some countries, they give you a birth month not a date!!! I think your own personal cycles have something to do with it to so it can't be that accurate.
i suffer pcos so didnt hve a lmp to go by hoping my scn date is fairly accurte as im way tooo fed up to go much over

if you later date was from ur 12 week scan and they didnt change anything at ur 20 week then its prob more accurate than ur lmp i think
I remember reading an artice (in norwegian) about there being two different ways of calculating a due date based on scans (different measurements taken or something) and with one it usually puts you a few days early and on the other a few days late... so either way it won't be accurate. Only 5% of babies are actually born on their given due date!

According to my LMP my due date should be feb 20th, but my cycles are a bit long, and I was using OPK's when TTC, so according to that I think my due date should be feb 22nd... but at my scan I was told feb 18th...
I'll just have to wait and see! I'm definitely not going to consider induction until after the 22nd as I think that could very well be my real due date...

Don't know any real facts though... sorry!
I dont think theyre very accurate either imo my lmp was the 16th may last yr which would have put me at bout 12 weeks at my first scan however they measured me at 13+4 on my first scan, since then with this one my stomach measurements according to gp/mw have been spot on with the dates i was given and the 20 wk scan dated me at 20+1 which i would have been when i had it, saying that

I knew exactly dates of lmp with my girls n the first one was 7 days past her dd and the 2nd was 12 days past! xxx
This is a good question, i have a feeling i will be earlier than DD but probably just wishful thinking ;) and i'm sure my baby is bigger than "average" baby now, but at 12 week scan i thought it was smaller than it should have been, so my due date (March 18th) could have been wrongly estimated by the measurement of baby at 12 weeks. It's all guess work..

LOL @ BevG, i hope ur on time or u'l be cursing the sonographer!! :) tee hee. xx
BevG hope you don't go over then...
I was put back a week on my scan, my original date was valentines day so a week today, where as now its the 21st so 2weeks...
Just have to wait and see. xx

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