

Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2010
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Right I know I've got ten weeks until my baby is due. But I really want to think ahead :lol: The pill (of any form) is a definate no-go for me as I'm allergic to Microgynon and Cezarette made me bleed every other week :roll: So what would you recommend? Implant, coil or injection? I'm a little bit squemish about the implant. Also anyone else had an experience with the patch? I know it's visible but I could put it on my bum cheek couldnt I surely? :lol:
I have the coil chick. Once its in there you don't have to worry about contraception or remember to take a pill or stick on a patch. It doesn't suit everyone tho. I actually bled for 7 weeks with this last one, but the other two were fine. My bleeding has stopped now so i am happy xx
i think implant for me, i cant imagine inections! ouch!
but if you have the implant, its for 3 years yeah? how long is it likely to stay in your system after that?
I had the implant a few years ago and it truly didn't agree with me but if you dont look you wont even feel it going in!, so Ive been looking into getting the coil. But I like the fact that when I was on the pill it meant regular periods...

Ive got to say Im at a loss as well.
well i've had the injections and implant previously....

The injection you have to have 3 monthly and it doesn't hurt as much as people think. The joys of injection is that you are unlikely to have a period for the duration you are on it :-) The downside however is that when you come off it, it can take up to 18 months for your fertility to come back.

The implant - stays in from 3-5 years depending on which one you have. As soon as the implant comes out, you are fertile straight away which is a major plus if you want to try again for a baby etc.

What happened with me personally was I had the injections for about 18 months, then did the switch to the implant for 2.5 years. As soon as I came off the implant I was fertile straight away and only took me 3 months to catch :-) - some people can catch straight away though obviously, and some catch later on.

Hope that load of waffle made sense? ;-) xx
i know someone that got pregnant 17 days after getting her implant out :lol: she was kinda hoping it'd tke a bit longer!!
I have the implant and think it's great, you get a local anesthetic and you can't feel it.. No problems this end xx
I'm really stuck for what contraception to use...i was on cerazette before and caught on within a month after I stopped taking it. I just don't trust myself to remember to take it every day... I have to have progeston only contraceptives due to migraine so i'm pretty limited. Need to have a good talk with my health visitor once baby is here I think x
I've said I'm going to stick with just condoms as i was worried to go for anything else as it might mess up me ttc again.
Is the implant really that reliable? As if I do go for a different method other than condoms, it might be the implant.
im also stuck I was on the pill when I fell with this baby a missed 3 over xmas and well now im pregnant but it was a very happy pregnant when we found out as we did want another, but after this one I really dont want anymore I think I should stop at 3 but when my o/h says he will go and get the snip that also really scares me because its final.
The implant is progestin only, and it's 99.9% effective and once it's out you can TTC straight away xx

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