Consistently weird OPK results! *RESOLVED*

Congratulations....!!!!! xxx

Have you noticed any symptoms yet other than the opk's??
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Thanks everyone!

Other symptoms are really sore boobs and I've been having twinges in my back and around my pubic bone and loads of cm (sorry tmi).

I just cannot believe it...even though I have done two tests.

Here's a pic of the surges...



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thanks for the pics ... can't believe they picked up before a hpt congrats again xxx
I know!! I'm 10DPO today. :bfn: on the Tesco own brand yesterday evening. I don't think they are sensitive. AF wasn't due until Wednesday or Thursday. I really am amazed at the OPKs picking that up. They are Tesco own brand.

Thank you! It's brilliant, scary, everything all in one. My emotions are like a rollercoaster!!

By the way...we only BD 2 times this month!!! :oooo:

Aahhhhh Flopsy! Soooo Happy for you! huge congratulations to you!!!

I'm feeling a little emotional today and shed a little tear! :yay::yay::yay: xxx
Only BD'ed twice! Wow, brilliant. Congrats hun, fab news!! :) x
Only BD'ed twice! Wow, brilliant. Congrats hun, fab news!! :) x

Yep!! Once on the first day of positive OPK (Wednesday 22nd September) and Once on the day of the really strong positive OPK (Thursday 23rd September). Incidentally, I also had my smear on the thursday and also took baby asprin and folic acid.

Louise1980 this is whats happening to us isnt it? You were on my thread earlier ??? am I right or got the wrong person. This is just brilliant news congrats flopsy I am soooo happy for you I nearly cried, Maybe Baby actually did cry and I am not surprised. Well done I am truely happy xxx

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