Silly question about DPO??

maybe baby

Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2010
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Hi Girls!

Hope you are all ok.

This is a bit of a silly question and really i'm just looking for a reason to shorten my 2WW.

What do you count as 1DPO if get 2 days of positive OPKs?

Also as the OPKs predict the surge before ovulation do you take that in to account?

For example this month-

Sun 19- Positive OPK
Mon 20-Positive OPK in morning, negative OPK in afternoon I think I felt OV in the afternoon.
Tues- Should this be 1DPO?? or do I count Monday as 1DPO??

I'm feeling so impatient this month I was going to do an early test on Thursday next week but I think I may be getting this DPO thing wrong.:-?

Any ideas?? xx
i would say tuesday as the day before seemed you ovulated so now this is the first day past ovulation :)

i asked a simular question the other day. Im 2 dpo so we will be testing rougly the same time? x
I was wondering the exact same thing yesterday when counting to testing - gets confusing all this counting...

I figured that we never really know when OV occurs, but we do know when LH surge occurs so it's easier to use that as "ovulation" because it's the earliest it could happen.

So in your case i'd have the 20th as 1DPO :)
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Thanks Girls!

I'm just thinking to myself what does it matter anyway?? because there is no way I won't have tested before the 3rd or 4th anyway I'll probably test early because I'm dying to know.

I think i'm expecting to get a BFP as I had one last month, I don't know what I'll do if its a BFN because I've not had one so far...

Fingers crossed for us girls anyway! xx
I know I will Louise, my Husband said yesterday don't be upset if you're not pregnant this month but I know I will!

I'm already preparing for next month though, I'm eating super healthy, homemade soups and smothies etc then I'll get some pre seed and some baby asprin for after AF that way next month I'll have everything covered!! Like you! xx
Wait til you see my new post, perfect for sharing tips!!
...extreme measures... but you'll all say i'm crazy and maybe i am and i might get pregnant before then anyway so just another reason to keep my fingers crossed ;)

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