Confused :( please help

My mother in law had a period for 5 months when she was pregnant with her daughter.
She found out she was pregnant and had been for 5 months! :lol:
It does happen :) Good luck and definitely retest next week. xx
Yeah I definitely will :D thanks hun xxxxxxxxxx
All your symptoms sound really positive hun! Plus, a line on a First Response is definitely a brilliant sign. From experience, those buggers never give even the tiniest hint of a line without reason! I did a blue dye test thingy on the day (I class it as day before really) I got my BFP. It came up within 10 minutes and was very very faint. I felt I couldn't trust it though as it was too near to the magic 15 minute mark. Anyway, the next day I did a FR and there it was 10 seconds later! You might be able to see the line on my avatar.
Fingers crossed for you! Oh yeah...ignore that bint on the phone. She was probably in a mood about something else and had to get cocky with someone! Silly moo!

Throwing some :dust: your way!! xx

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