Confused!!! Help!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2011
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I was extremely excited when this month I didn't start my period and I was late by 9 days!! I had mega sore boobs and lower back pains and nausea I decided to take a HPT, however my digital clearblue gave me an error!! anyhow I thought il just get a new one a test the next day (day 10)... but to my horror I started my period the same day!!... I counted my loss and thought there's always next month but my period stopped after 3 days and then nothing for 2 days... I thought it was a short period didn't think anything of it.. now for the last 3 days I'm spotting??? and I have sore boobs and cramps?? I'm confused.. should I take a HPT?? could I be pregnant??? please help!!.. sorry for the essay but I need some advice.
True... but I dunno if it's all in my head.... I know women can experience bleeding during pregnancy .. il defo take a test.. fingers crossed it's good news!
by a cheaper one just to try, there is a slight chance it could be implantation bleeding or just be an odd period
I took a boots own brand HPT this afternoon and the magic line appeared to indicated "Pregnant"!!! i cant really believe it though.. i think il test again to make sure... woohoo i am very very excited :)
Congratulations! Great news before Christmas :-)
I'm just a bit confused! I rang my GP to make an appointment I was told I need to do another test at a chemist?? they will give me a slip?? only then will a midwife get in touch after I'm 12 weeks gone?? help!!! I thought a HPT was enough?
yh that doesnt sound right at all, instead call your docs and ask to book a booking in appointment with you midwife for when your around 7 weeks.

if they still talk rubbish to you then call your local hospital and ask to speak to a midwife there for advice as you need a booking in appointment before 12 weeks as its your midwife who books your 12 wk scan and bloods
it may be because she mentioned bleeding? so they may think another chemical or miscarriage x

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