I have OCD since I was 8. Had severe panic attacks when I was at uni and suffered with depression almost all my life. And I'm a psychologist!
I'm also scared of being sick.
All my life I believed that I'd never have children, I can't explain how but I still feel like there's something wrong with me and I will never be able to fall pregnant. Every BFN proves my point so I'm actually quite nervous (yet I don't want to see a doctor as I'm scared of hearing what they might say)
I'm not a social butterfly, I don't like parties or girlie nights or anything to do with a group of people. I prefer being at home.
I'm a book nerd (mostly fantasy/fiction stuff), I ALWAYS carry a book in my bag and read on the bus/ lunch breaks etc.
I love MMORPGs I even met my husband on World of Warcraft
he was the main tank of our guild and I used to find him really annoying.
I hate when people chew loudly (actually.. just chewing - I hear it anyways), and I simply can't function when someone's eating something in the same room with me. I start listening to it and it drives me insane! Once (when we were living with in laws) my FiL came in when I was watching a film with hubby and started eating crisps, I covered my ears first but it didn't work, in the end I started crying lol!
I always wanted to be an opera singer
I'm almost 30 and yet I've just started having one to one singing lessons from an opera singer (I'm meeting her in a bit!), not that I can be a professional after this age but just for myself (so I could sing better in the shower lol)