

Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2013
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Thought this could be a little light-hearted post to jot all your confessions down (TTC related or non related) Also, there is a few newbies so thought we could all get to know each other a bit better!
Here's mine:

I hate any type of insect(serious phobia)
I'm a nail biter.
I once won an award for 'Most Improved' tenpin bowling when I was 11.
I never wanted a baby, now I have serious baby fever.
I get OH to lift up her rear when farting because I don't want the smell going into my cushions!

Come on girls, list yours no matter how embarrassing :)
Ooh this sounds fun! I love yours sophie! Ha ha! Mine would be:
I am obsessed (as in, got a tattoo and have met them at great expense!) with New Kids on the Block, especially Donnie Wahlberg.
I fart. A LOT! I once did it in hubby's face in the early stages of our relationship when he was down there. Needless to say we have plain old vanilla sex these days, faces don't go down there anymore! ;)
I have a phobia of people vomiting yet I'm obsessed with medical tv reality shows, I have to watch from behind my hands!
I would love to be a pathologist but I'm rubbish at science, would be scared to be in a room with a corpse on my own, and would also be worried the smell would make someone puke near me! Lol!
Haha! These made me laugh :) I would love to be a forensic, it seems so interesting but put i'm petrified of ghosts/spirits!
Yes I get spooked by things like that, although that's another thing I have a morbid fascination with. We've been on a couple of organised ghost hunts and once I got past my fear of the dark (is there anything I'm not afraid of?!) it was a good laugh and not scary at all. Mind you if something scary had actually happened it could have been a different story! X
Ghost walk sounds fun! I've always wanted to do one! I'm really fascinated with ghosts psychics etc and even ufo's! I'm not a freak really! ;-)
Yes its fascinating stuff. I don't know if I'll 100% believe in ghosts etc until I have a definite experience but I believe it enough to be scared of the dark! ;) I find the 'mediums' that went around on the ghost hunts a bit crap, they've seemed to do a lot of suggestion and when we did one a few weeks ago there were people claiming to be pushed over etc (the same few all night long) but hubby and I both agreed if we'd been concentrating on what he was saying about allowing yourself to sway if you feel like it etc and 'can you feel someone pushing you' we'd have been on the floor too, but we went in with eyes wide open to it all, basically saying most things can be explained away and unless it's really unexplainable we won't let our minds run away. Would love to do more but the organised ones where you spend all night at a venue are so expensive. X
You should research haunted places in your area/another area and create your own!! ;-) i've been to quite a few psychics, but not one has been SPOT ON yet. Just had a look at your website, I love the fried egg charm, and gummy bear hairclips! Very clever! Do you create them all yourself? X
Yeah that's a good idea :)
And thanks! Yes I make them all myself, currently sat here making cake magnets for a craft fair this weekend :) x
Clever lady, very creative :) will be ordering something soon! X
Ooh lovely :) Thanks! We went right off topic didn't we! Hope we get some more confessions, made me giggle and forget the 2ww briefly! ;) x
Aww good :) I've got lots more confessions but will reveal them if someone else wants to own up! ;-)
I hate neadles
i bite my nails
i hate odd numbers (or anything in odd.mutiples)
im obsessed with my car
hate vomit
hate blood yet love a&e programmes
dont eat any veg - scared of it
shit scared of scary films
wont go upstairs alone without turning every light one
obsessed that someones watching me

just a few to start with.... :)
Titch my kinda girl liking CSI etc! I'm obsessed with it! And I also hate bogies. Even typing that word makes me want to vom!
Haha love this.

I am so scared of the dark I sometime have to sleep with my hall light on if oh is out.
Also can't go to any other room in the house without every light on
When I'm in the bath or shower I panic when washing my face cos my eyes are closed and always get an intense feeling that someone else is in the bathroom
Since watching the trueman show many tears ago I believe I am being filmed at all times so have a huge fear of public loos and hotel rooms.

And after reading some of this I realise I am a complete freak and cant disclose anything else haha

Pixi- I HATE washing my face in the bath or shower! The feeling of someone else standing over your shoulder is overwhelming!!
P.s and also walking down the stairs on your own makes you feel like someone is on the landing watching down on you! There's always that little run at the end to quickly get into the next room!
I HATE noisy/piggy eaters! Find myself staring at them giving them evils without realising!
I can't sleep with any limbs hanging out the bed, scared something/someone will come get me!
I'm very superstitious, but in annoying way like i'll think to myself at work "I gotta do this bit of work before the phone rings next or I will die!" Stupid I know, but can't stop myself thinking it!
I sometimes stuff pillows up my top to see what I look like pregnant!
The other day I wrote out my imaginary baby shower invite list
I have to check my alarms are set about 10 times before bed or I can't sleep.

Can't think of any more! Sure there must be loads!
I also hate public loos. i will pee before i leave house at 745 and wont go again untill i gwt hme at 520. in sever cases i have if i laugh too much or sneeze too much!hahahah

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