I was adamant that I would never co sleep with Thea but that went out of the window the night she was born when the midwife set us up to feed laying in bed. I think co sleeping and breastfeeding sort of go together.
We never had any problems putting Thea in her own bed and she now sleeps happily all night in her own cot in her own room.
She slept through from being 7 weeks old and having her in bed with us ment if she wanted a feed it was there and she helped herself. It worked well for us and i wouldnt hesitate to do it again.
We never had any problems putting Thea in her own bed and she now sleeps happily all night in her own cot in her own room.
She slept through from being 7 weeks old and having her in bed with us ment if she wanted a feed it was there and she helped herself. It worked well for us and i wouldnt hesitate to do it again.