

Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2010
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DD has really really been interested in going to church x I don't know where she's got it from as neither me or OH have been to church for YEARS and although I believe in god I'm not religious (hence having children out of wedlock etc) BUT I'm kind of proud of her and we're going to start going to the church x met the reverand yesterday and he's really nice-not very traditional and was really helpful x I was really worried he'd be judgemental but he's so completely not what I expected! He also said to dispense with 'father' and just call him rob! I'm actually feeling quite excited! Lol x
aw that sounds lovely, the things we do for our kids! lol. it sounds like it's quite relaxed and modern, so it could be fun :) hope you enjoy it!! xxxx
that sounds ace, it is good that you have such a relaxed church near you :)

My parents weren't particularly religious, we were all christened, and they really supported my when I went though a similar phase. I still believe in something, but not quite sure what iykwim...
I found that if you've not got a "fixed" religion, then Pentacostal churches are great for kids :]
[But I might be biased!]
That's so good I haven't been to church since before Christmas :( such a good christian I am ey! Coz the car broke lol then when we got it fixed I felt like I can't go back now it's been too long - I need to find a nearer church haha!! X x x
It's a church of England church which is what I'm christened as but DD isn't christened as I believe that's her choice-looks like she's making it! Lol x there's 3 churches in really close proximity where we live-this one, a Methodist church and an all nations church-I'm clueless on Methodist and all nations churches so thought we'd stick to what I (vaguely) know x lol x my next worry is-what do I wear?! Nothing fits! Lol x
Yes we went and actually enjoyed it x father rob relates what he's talking about to real life and he has a great sense of humour x the congregation invited us for refreshments afterwards which was lovely x the only thing that 1)I wasn't expecting and 2)freaked Summer out was when he asked us to offer each other a sign of peace and the congregation moved around the church shaking hands and saying 'peace be with you'. I have personal space issues so was a bit taken aback and Summer isn't the most outgoing child so she was terrified x bless her x also a church warden grabbed her to help out with the donation basket which terrified her too but she did really well and I was so proud x x everyone was so friendly and the hymns were easy to get the rhythm to x will be going back definatly x there's baptisms next week and week after so I'm expecting Summer to ask about that x
ahhh bless her, well done for helping her go and find out what it's all about.

I am not religious but our scout group has alot to do with the methodist church where there based, I think as long as it's not in your face - kids can learn alot fom the more traditional morals and being genuinly nice and kind to each other, without a reward arriving! , and the comunity aspect , that Christians follow. We try to do the fundraising things and leaflet drops etc, hope you enjoy it X
you will see how church and God will change all of you.I am glad for you.:wave:
Summers asked to be baptised so spoke to Rob (our rev) and we're going to look into it x I'm actually enjoying it!
Aw that's dead lovely! I've been wanting to take the girls or ages, buy they'd just scream the place down!
We always wanted to wait for her to decide for herself which, if any, religion she wanted to follow and now she's chosen x maybe just take them once and see how it goes? x there was kids crying today but everyone just gets on with it x
just catching up on this thread! it;s great that u are enjoying it! i had a lovely church in kent but cant seem to find a good one here in bristol!
its hard to find a church when youve moved isnt it. I dont go anymore, cos Ive not found anything which I actually identify with, Ive kind of given up the hunt now!

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